Waking up in the box

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It was dark and cold. 

My entire body ached. 

Then came the sound of a loud buzzer followed by faint red and blue lights flashing alternately.

My head hurt and everything seemed like some sort of hazy dream. I didn't know where i was nor how I ended up among boxes and crates. I tried to stand up but my legs gave out and I fell.

I was in some sort of metal cage. There was a sudden jolt before this 'cage' I was in started moving upwards. It went up slowly but then began to catch speed and I was afraid this was some sort of lift which was malfunctioning.  There was a loud bang and this lift or cage or whatever stopped and the lights dimmed down until it was pitch black again. There was a sound of distant murmuring which added to my already crippling anxiety and confusion. After a few minutes the top of this metal cage-like box started to lift and a bright light crept into the darkness. I tried to squint and keep my eyes open but gave up and covered my eyes until they got used to the light.

"What is it?" someone with a thick accent yelled "why are you all staring into the box like that?"

There was a soft thud and I could tell someone had jumped in. I slowly opened my eyes to see a silouette of a thin yet tall figure.

"Gally! get down here" the voice belonged to a boy, who i still couldn't see quiet well.

Was i dead?

Another thump was heard followed by heavy footsteps.

"A girl?" Another person, again a boy, mumbled "that's odd"

The second boy came closer. By this point my eyes had adjusted to the light and i could clearly see their features. The boy closest to me had short brown hair and buff arms along with a super intimidating expression. The boy standing behind him had sandy blonde hair and pale skin. He seemed to have a puzzled look on his face.

"Arrite greenie" The scary kid smirked and he roughly pulled me to my feet "lets get you out"

A jute rope was lowered with a loop at the end. I still struggled to stay on my feet but somehow managedto hold on to the top tightly.

One by one, we were pulled out on to the grass. I felt the soft green grass and the moist mud under my fingers as I tried to stand up before I looked around to see that I was surrounded by a bunch of teenage boys who were staring at me like i was a ghost.

"I uh..where am I?" I asked, my voice barely audible "Who are you guys?"

"Welcome to the glade" Thin blonde guy spoke, his strong accent lacing each word. He had a quizzical look on his face when he looked at me, as if he was expecting to meet someone else in that box but found me instead.

"The glade?"

"You'll be living here with us"

"Living here?"

"Will you keep repeating everything i'm going to say?"

"Sorry" i muttered while a few boys chuckled. The place was basically just a plain green field with a thicket of trees at one end and some big ugly looking houses made of wood and bamboo on the other.

"I'm Newt" The boy smiled "This guy here is Gally and uh, Alby, who is incharge, should be here in a minute"

I felt like I needed to introduce myself too since I didn't want to be rude but the moment I opened my mouth to say something I closed it. My mind was blank, like a slate being wiped clean. I didn't know who i was, my name, how old i was, what i looked like, nothing. The more I tried to think about it, the more my head hurt to which of course, I was starting to panic.

"Are you alright?" Newt chuckled "you look pale"

"I.. I can't remember anything" I muttered, knowing I sounded stupid "I can't- my name uh nothing"

"Ah don't worry about it" he gave a light pat on the back "we've all been there, you'll remember eventually"

"So, who's this month's greenie?" A voice came from the small crowd of boys.

"It's a girl Alby"

"Yea nice one Jeff-"


I was here for about less than 10 minutes and I was already starting to feel uncomfortable. There wasn't a single girl in sight and there was nothing here besides greenery surrounded by these huge stone walls.

After a few murmurs and whistles a tall dark skinned boy stepped toward me from the crowd. The moment he saw me, he froze for a second before glancing at Newt with a questionable look and then looked at me again.

"Huh odd" he said flatly "why would they send up a girl?"

"To mate with of course"

"Shut up Winston" Alby turned around and snapped over his shoulder. A thin boy with messy black hair muttered a 'sorry' with a grin, who I assume is Winston.

"Was there some sort of note in the box? Anything?" Alby asked Newt, not even acknowledging me standing there awkwardly while all the boys stared at me shamelessly.

"No nothing" Newt shrugged "Gally is still unloading the boxes, let's see if he finds anything inside"

I cleared my throat to get the two boys' attention but it didn't work so I ended up talking instead.

"Where exactly am I?" I raised my voice

"The gla-"

"No like..where is this glade? What is this place?" I took one glance to my left "and why am I the only girl here?"

"We're not complaining"

"Alright that's it" Newt shouted "everyone back to work. N- no don't complain, get back to work all of you"

The boys started to walk away half heartedly leaving me alone with Newt, Alby and a whole lot of questions. I was about to ask the boys something but Alby beat me to it.

"Questions later" The boy said firmly "let's show you around first"

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