Just Denver and Addison

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"You cheated!" Cathy snapped "I saw it, you rolled a four not a six!"

"How dare you accuse me of cheating" Newt put his hand on his heart "I'm offended"

"Oh hush" Cathy retorted "you cheated-"

"Shut up Cat" Winston snapped "he didn't cheat"

"Way to go best friend" Cathy sneered at Winston, who just shrugged and went back to reading his book.

The three were currently in the common room. Cathy and Newt were playing snakes and ladders while Winston read a book. He didn't want to play because he had to go in for another test and didn't want to leave mid-game. After fifteen minutes of Cathy and Newt's  argument, an escort came to take Winston for his session.

"You're a sour loser" Newt chuckled at the girl.

"I'm not" Cathy denied as she crossed her arms.

"I'm not going to continu-yes you are- what are we doing next?"

Cathy smiled slightly at the goof before shrugging.

"We can talk?" Cathy suggested. She didn't want to play anymore games.

"You know an awful lot about me" Newt said as he packed away the board game pieces "I don't know anything about you"

"There isn't much to know about me anyway" Cathy mumbled softly "I'm 14. I work here. I'm your friend. I came here when I was 12. That's it"

Newt ruffled his hair for some reason before locking gazes with her.

"C'mon Cathy" he smiled "I want to get to know you"

Cathy stood up abruptly, before walking a few steps away from the table. But she didn't want to leave him, nor did she want to say anything.
Newt noticed her stopping midway.

"It's alright" he said smiling sadly "you can leave. They all do, I'm used to it.  Sorry I pushed"

Cathy turned to face the boy. She didn't mean to be rude.

"No it's.. I uh.." she strutted as she gazed into Newt's eyes. For some reason she'd melted. She was willing to sit down and tell him everything.


He was getting into her head.

"Please don't do that" Cathy sighed.

"Don't do what?"

"Don't try to get into my head Newt" Cathy huffed. Why was he pretending like he didn't know what he was doing "it's just, too dark in there"

Cathy sat on the floor, crossing her legs. Newt rose up from the chair and sat across her, not uttering another word.

"I've got a lot of dark stuff too" he softly mumbled "and you already know about it and you're helping me. Maybe I could help too?"

The boy waited patiently for her to say something. When Newt realised she wasn't he spoke again.

"This place really does stuff to ya, huh" he sighed "I mean here, I'm Newt. The kid who they 'need' to find a cure, who matters long until they find a solution to this virus. Newt. Jeez, the make me sound important for a lab experiment when actually I'm just broken, scared ol' Denver"

Cathy glanced at him briefly on the mention of his real name. Didn't he know what would happen if anyone heard him say that? And how does he still remember his name?

The boy didn't say anything after that. He just sat there, in front of Cathy. After a couple of minutes, the girl spoke.

"And I'm just Addison" she softly said "the girl responsible for her brother's death"

She waited for a reaction from Newt but all he did was lift his gaze from the floor to her eyes, showing that he was listening to whatever she had to say.

"The people from this organisation visited my home two years ago. I was 12 and my brother was 16" Cathy spoke as her gaze dropped to her hands in her lap "they told us they wanted to run a test to see if we were prone to the virus. We were four and only one test came back positive. Mine. Once they had everything in order, they asked my parents to turn me over to them for 'the greater good'. I pleaded with me parents, told them to let me stay. My brother, was the one who was the first to refuse to let them take me away. It got to a point where he yanked one of the men by their collar and punched him. It all happened so fast. One minute was on his feet yelling at them to leave me out of whatever they had in mind and the next thing I knew, was someone firing a gun at him and he was falling. I rushed over to him but he stayed still, his body was limp and the pool of blood by his head became bigger"

Cathy snuffled as she blinked away her tears, she didn't want to cry on front of Newt.

"If I hadn't made a fuss. He'd still be alive. Not here with me, but alive. Not to mention the cutting of- yea"

"I'm sorry" Newt gently mumbled "Do you um.. still cut uh-"


"Good that"


"They want me to be Cathy. A strong, smart girl who supposedly plays a major part in whatever they're doing but I'm not Cathy. I'm just me." The girl sighed "I'm just doing this so I can give them what they want and get out of here. I thought that Addison, the scared, frail, hopeful girl was dead but she's still here. Shielded and masked by Cathy"

The girl took in a deep breath. She wouldn't cry.

Cathy had managed to cling onto her name. She'd lied to them about having forgotten about what her name was before. That was the last bit she had left of her family. Her name that'd they'd given her.

Newt stared at her sadly.

"We're both a little fucked up, aren't we" he muttered "guess we're not Newt and Cathy after all"

"Yea" the girl nodded "no matter what happens, we'll always be just Denver and Addison"

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