Can you jive?

666 29 11

Once breakfast was done, the others left, muttering incoherent curses.

Thomas and Teresa went away to study more which would help them design the maze better while the rest of the kids were escorted for either another medical checkup or just a random study session.

The only two people left to do their own thing we're Newt and Cathy who were currently in the common room.

"I'm gunna get the stereo. Fetch the cassettes will you?" Newt said as he fiddled with the long sleeves of his grey sweatshirt.

"Oh yea, sure" Cathy quickly pushed aside a few boxes before pulling out the one with the music. Newt went toward the shelf where'd he'd placed the stereo last time. Taking the box from Cathy, he went through a few cassettes, mumbling a 'yep' at a paticular one before putting into the stereo and waiting for it to play.

Cathy sat on the floor as she looked at Newt get excited like a five year old.

Ooh well, I've got a girl with a record machine
When it comes to rockin' she's the queen

Newt smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. He stood up, walking over to Cathy.

We love to dance on a Saturday night
All alone, I can hold her tight
But she lives in a twentiest floor up town
The elevator's broken down

"Do you jive?" He asked, getting down on his knees so he was face to face with her.

"Not anymore" Cathy shrugged "last time I did was when I was eleven"

Newt stretched out his hand for her to take "come on, just this once"

"I don't know" the girl smiled shyly "I'm not even that good at it"

"Nor am I" Newt smiled "please? This one time squirt?"

Cathy shook her head and laughed when the older boy stuck out his bottom lip and pouted, pretending to be sad.

"Alright peaches" Cathy slipped her hand into his "only because I'm starting to like this song"

So I walked one, two flight, three flight, four
Five, six, seven flight, eight flight more
Up on the twelfth I started to drag
Fifteenth floor I'm ready to sag
Get to the top, I'm too tired to rock

When she calles me up on the telephone
Said c'mon over honey, I'm all alone
I said baby, you're mighty sweet
But I'm in the bed with a achin' feet
This went on for a couple of days
But I couldn't stay away

The two of them laughed as they danced around the room, Newt spinning Cathy and being thankful that he hadn't tripped over his own feet yet. Cathy too, was happy she had managed to avoid stepping on his toes throughout.

So I walked one, two flight, three flight, four
Five, six, seven flight, eight flight more
Up on the twelfth I'm ready to drag
Fifteenth floor I started to sag
Get to the top, I'm too tired to rock

"You liar" Newt chuckled "you dance better than me"

"Oh shut up" Cathy laughed as she buried her face in the crook of his neck "you're just being polite"

"No, I'm being honest" Newt smiled at the girl even though she couldn't see him "I swear on my nonexistent blue eyes"

This made Cathy laugh even more for some reason. She pulled back a bit to look at Newt. The bruises on his face were gone and his eyes no longer carried that sad look they had at the beginning. He was smiling happily with her.

She watched as Newt's smile faded a bit before he opened his mouth to speak but shut it again. His gaze flickered from her eyes to her lips for a second before he licked his lips.

Cathy wasn't stupid. She knew what those little gestures meant. She could read boys just a well as she could read her physics book. She knew what he wanted to do by the way his hands squeezed her waist slightly, how his breath hitched and by the way he started to slowly lean forward.

"Newt" Cathy breathed as she looked at his lips, biting her own.

"Cathy" the boy whispered, resting his forehead against her's "I-"

"Alright suckers! That stereo is mine!"

Cathy heard Minho's telling from the hallway and quickly pushed away Newt before that idiot could see them like this. He'd already ruined the moment and the last thing she needed was for him to keep taunting them about it.

The moment she backed away from Newt, Minho burst into the room and headed straight for the stereo.

"Huh" he tilted his head "I kinda like this song"

Newt and Cathy exchanged glances before bursting out into fits of laughter at the weird dance moves Minho was doing.

"Oh shut up you two" the boy rolled his eyes "you both know you can't beat this. I'm killing it!"

"Yea, dance like that any longer and you'll kill the both of us too" Newt chuckled.

"I finally like you" Minho pointed at Newt "at least now I know you're just as sassy and Cat and I"

The three spent the rest if their time dancing like idiots and for some that time, the world didn't seem that bad at all.

Sempiternal//Newt (maze runner)✔Where stories live. Discover now