You think she cares about you?

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Newt kept as much distance from Janson as possible. He didn't like the man at all and he had a bloody good reason to do so.

He'd just been let loose from the machine he was strapped to for an hour. He could still feel small jolts going through his body. Whatever machine they used to make him forget all those memories haunting his sleep did its trick. He barely rememberd what kept him up in the first place. His body felt numb and he couldn't think straight. The only thing be remembered saying over and over in his head was 'be strong, for Cathy'.


"Do I get to go see Cathy now?" The boy asked as he tried to get up "or is she going to come see me?"

"Why would she come see you?" Janson asked "it's not like you just had a fatal accident and woke up from a coma after four years"

"No I mean," Newt clutched his aching head "after this whole thing of me being-"

"Cathy doesn't know" Janson flatly said "and she can't. Ever"

"Why not?"

This made Janson laugh. Not genuinely, more like, to just mock the poor boy in pain.

"Because one, she has other important things to focus on" he wrote something in a folder "and two, she doesn't care?"

"Of course she does" Newt's thick accent filled the room "she cares about me as much as I care about her"

Hearing this, Janson shut the folder and looked at Newt dead in the eye.

"Listen here boy" he snapped "you're here for one thing and that is to help us find a cure to that virus. Nothing more. You both are two different individuals and you both play two separate roles in this operation"

"What's wrong if I do have any feelings toward her?" Newt asked "we're getting out anyway once we've found a solution"

"Have feelings for her now?" Janson raised his brows "she's already got a lot of stuff on her mind. We don't want your 'feelings' to distract her from her duties here"

"How will that distract her? In fact I think she might actually like-"

"Like you back?" Janson laughed, again "she doesn't care about you! She's only spending time with you because we asked her to"

Newt remembered that night where Cathy stayed with him. When she asked them to leave and stayed back to calm him down and kissed his head while she toyed with his hair. No one asked her to do that. That was something she did on her own, out of compassion and concern.

He remembered how Cathy laughed around him and called him peaches. They didn't ask her to do that. Neither did they tell her to dance with him and gaze into his eyes with total admiration, as if he meant more than just a boy who needed to be fixed. They didn't ask her to bite her lip as she gazed at his, leaning in closer to kiss him.

She did all of it because she wanted to.
Because she cared.

"You're wrong" Newt chuckled, thinking of Cathy "she cares about me. More than anyone ever has adore than anyone ever will"

"That's it" Janson sighed "you won't be seeing her again after today"


"Now listen here" Janson said sharply "you tell her anything about today, or the way you feel, we won't punish only you but Cathy too"

Newt froze. He'd never see her again? And the fact that he couldn't even tell her that he liked her broke him. They were taking away his only friend the only thing that made his day, she was like the bright sunshine that he couldn't see since the place had no windows. They were taking away his only happiness and there was nothing he could do.

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