maze trials

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Cathy was annoyed that she was made to actually work today. Thomas and Teresa had done most of the work as far as designing the maze was concerned.

Monitoring through the cameras, Cathy had to admit, as magnificent and as proud as she felt about it, she was still curious as to why they made these kids design a maze.

But today was the day, supposedly, where Ava would explain why they made them work over this maze for years.

"Thomas, Teresa and Cathy?" Ava called out making the three of them turn in their chairs "follow me"

The teens rose up and walked briskly in a single file behind Ava toward her office. Once they were inside, the woman ushered them towards the chairs, urging them to take a seat.

"I'm sure you three are curious about this whole thing" she spoke "you must have so many questions. Why did we make the three of you study so hard when you first got here. Why did we have you assigned to create this huge maze. Why did we train you physically and put each of you on a strict healthy diet along with the others. It's because we've been trying to study you, understand what makes you different from us

We all know about the flare, how it's deadly enough to kill a person by making him go insane. And ever since, we have been determined to find a cure. Now it was no surprise when we found out that there were people who were immune to this virus. All we needed to do was find out, what was it they had in them, in their system that could fight this virus. What did they have that the others didn't.

So to study them, we brought them here. But regular health checks wouldn't do us any good. We needed to study their brain activity under harsh environment. We needed to know was their immunity to the flare able to keep them strong in hostile surroundings? Did their immunity indicate they were stronger physically and mentally?

And to help us study that, we thought about an operation: the maze trials. A bunch of our subjects will be sent into the maze. They'll have to live there until they can find a way to get out and survive while doing so. As you know, the maze won't be easy and those 'mechanical spiders' you saw in the lab a year ago? They're going to be out roaming in the maze. All this is to ensure we fine a cure to end the-"

"What!" Cathy interrupted "I understand you want to find a cure but there's gotta be an easier and more sensible way of doing it instead of putting teenagers into a maze with those creatures lurking around. Not to mention that the maze is designed to change every twenty four hours"

"Cathy," Teresa tried to calm down her best friend "I'm sure they know what they're doing"

"Did you listen to what she just said? That maze is almost impossible to solve. Who ever is in there won't be able to get out. And if they don't get back to the clearing before a particular deadline, the walls of the maze will close. They'll die if those creatures get a hold of them"

"Cathy does have a point" Thomas sided with her "isn't there any other way?"

"You three have worked for this since you were twelve" Ava stood up from her chair, slightly surprised by Cathy's and Thomas' response "and now you want to just throw it all away?"

"They're just kids" Cathy snapped "not lab rats. They don't deserve to be put into that prison-"

"We are finding a cure to help them" Ava raised her voice "we're doing it for them. For their families"


"Enough" Ava cut Thomas off "what has gotten into you?"

"They're our friends" Thomas softly spoke "most of them won't make it out alive or sane for that matter. We've designed the maze in such a way that it's close to impossible for kids to find a way out"

"Normal kids yes" Ava looked at him "but immune-"

"Oh for God's sake!" Cathy threw a fit "it doesn't matter. they're just immune, not a different, unknown species. Apart from that they're just like any other kid of their age. When will you dickheads-

"Cathy! Stop!" Teresa shouted "you don't get it. We'll be finding a cure. We can put an end to this virus. Think of the people you'll save"

"We'll save them but these guys, our friends?" Cathy turned towards her "they'll be the ones to pay the price"

"It's a lot to take in" Ava sighed "I'll let you three go now and think about it. I know you won't disappoint me"

She looked at Cathy while saying the last bit. The three on them stood up and left in silence, two of them not at all happy about this.

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