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Cathy closed her eyes the minute she'd opened them. She found it so annoying that the bed seemed very lumpy at night but suddenly turned into a heavenly cloud just before her alarm went off. The girl nuzzled further into her warm pillow which felt even more warm than usual and since when did her blanket draw small circles in her back?

Last night's events flashed in Cathy's mind and if she was correct, which she was, she wasn't cuddling her pillow. She was cuddling Newt.

The girl lifted her head slightly to see the boy looking down at her.

"Morning squirt" he said in his raspy morning voice, his thick british accent lacing his words.

"Good morning peaches" Cathy rubbed her eyes as she sat up, Newt's one hand still draped over her shoulder "what time is it?"

"Ah, I dunno" Newt rubbed the back of his neck "I broke the clock last night"

Last night.

Cathy looked at Newt, concern visible in her eyes.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asked.

"Yea I'm alright" Newt smiled "I'm sorry they had to wake you up because of me"

"don't be. I wanted to help you out" Cathy smiled.

Newt smiled back at the girl in his arms.


In his arms?

Had he been holding on to her the whole time? Did he let her hold him last night? He didn't flinch nor did he back away from her. He'd let her get close. How? How did he fund comfort and security in her?

"What?" Cathy gave him a lopsided smile as she watched him gaze at her with curiosity.

"You held me last night" Newt simply stated "and I held on to you"

Cathy's eyes lit up slightly. Newt didn't flinch away from her last night or right now.

"Oh yea" she said in realisation making Newt chuckle.

The girl slid off the bed and opened one of his drawers. Once she found a watch, she picked it up to check on the time.

"It's only twenty minutes till breakfast" Cathy turned toward him "we gotta get moving"

Newt lazily got up from the bed, stretching his arms over his head. He rubbed his eyes before ruffling his sandy blonde hair.

"Alright" he mumbled "I'll see you in twenty"

Cathy left his room to got to her own. As expected, there were two men posted at the door. One of them accompanied her to her room. Once she brushed her teeth, combed her hair and changed out of her pajamas, she made her way to the cafeteria.

Newt stood by the door, unsure where to sit. He'd spotted Cathy's friends but wasn't sure if they wanted his company.

Cathy noticed Newt standing by the doorway, looking lost. She took his hand in her's, knowing that he didn't mind as she led him to the table where the rest of her friends were seated after they'd gotten their trays of food.

"How are we doing this morning?" Minho asked everyone as he took a bite of his apple.

"I'd be a lot better if you'd sleep quietly and not snore" Winston snapped "honestly, it's like living with a pig"

"Wait, pigs snore?" Thomas asked.

"And they call you the smart one" Teresa rolled her eyes.

"You both share a room?" Newt asked.

"Oh so you're another big shot?" Minho raised a brow, his expression hardening "getting a room to yourself huh"

"I didn't ask for one-"

"I'm just messing with you" Minho's lips let a laugh escape as he'd watched Newt tense up "loosen up dude"

Newt smiled slightly as he huffed out a sigh.

"What are you going to do today?" Teresa asked Cathy "Thomas and I have to brush up on our 3D designing so Mr.Lawrence is going to help us out"

"I'm going to be with Newt" Cathy told her as she cast a glance at the boy beside her.

"Again?" Winston looked at the two "lucky assholes"

"Yea at least you two have each other's company" Minho sighed "meanwhile the rest if us have to take individual training on some random shit"

"What do you guys do all day?" Thomas asked with his mouth full, earning a smack in the arm from Teresa "wha? As if you've neva spoken with yo mouth full of foof"

The rest of them chuckled at how the boy spoke while bits of food fell out of his mouth.

"We just talk" Cathy shrugged "or play those music cassettes they have"

"They have music!" Minho asked, surprised "where?"

"In that big box in the common room" Newt pointed out "you didn't know?"

"Of course I didn't" Minho said "the stereo is mine for the evening. You guys use it as much as you want now, leave it for me later"

"Alright rodeo" Cathy patted his arm "it's all yours"

"I thought you'd stopped" Minho chuckled at the use if his nickname "it's knew I shouldn't have told you about that time I rode a calf as a kid"

"Better than my nickname" Thomas rolled his eyes "she calls me 'Bambi' because I remind her of a frail, innocent deer"

"You kinda are like that" Teresa laughed "and she calls me 'foxy' because I'm supposedly sly"

"You are! Remember that time you tricked me into doing all your work?"

"That was a year ago!"

Newt laughed a bit.

"And I'm 'midnight' because I come across as dark and brooding" Winston rolled his eyes before turning to Newt "what about you mate, has she scarred you with a nickname too?"

Newt looked at Cathy nervously while she smirked at him.

"Now I'm curious to know what his nickname is" Teresa smiled "that little smile exchange meant its something, unusual"

"Well she calls me uh.." Newt tried his best to hide his smile "she calls me peaches because that's the colour my cheeks turn to when I blush. I mean um..well, according to her"

"Aww" Teresa cooed while Thomas started wiggling his eyebrows.

"That's not fair" Minho frowned "why does he get a cute nickname?"

"Oh shut up" Cathy laughed.

"Does she have a nickname?" Newt asked, trying to change the topic to avoid his cheeks heating up.

"We just call her Cat" Thomas answered "except me, I call her weirdo"

"Newt calls me something else" Cathy smirked, making the boy blush slightly "don't you peaches?"

"I call her squirt" he chuckled nervously.

"And love, and sweetheart" Cathy added.

Newt was blushing like crazy at this point. Teresa and Thomas both smirked at the two while Minho and Winston whistled and tried to make Newt feel as uncomfortable as possible.

"Isn't that cute" Thomas smirked at Newt "why are you blushing?"

"I'm not" Newt looked down.

"You are" Minho rubbed in "peaches? At this point you ought to be called tomatoes!"

"Oh shove off" Newt rolled his eyes.

Cathy watched as the boy laughed along with the others. He was happy and that's what he deserved. That's what they all deserved and she'd do everything she could to keep it that way.

Sempiternal//Newt (maze runner)✔Where stories live. Discover now