Mazes and Melodies

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"Is this good enough now?" Cathy asked annoyed.

The girl spent the last four hours designing the inner sections of the maze. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to impress her superior, Janson.

"This isn't that hard to figure out" he simply stated "even I would be able to get out of this"

"Are you saying that's it's so easy that even a dumb person as yourself would know the way around it" Cathy smirked while keeping the amusement away from her tone.

"Don't get cheeky" the man snapped "it's too easy for those immune kids"

"Why do you treat them like they're a whole new species" the girl questioned "the only difference is that we can't catch the virus while most of you guys can. Apart from that, it's nothing ma-"

"You're here to design a maze" Jason coldly spoke "you're lucky enough to have days off from this to help with the new kid"

"What did you mean by 'it's too easy'? Do those kids have to solve it? How are they going to solve it? Is it-"

"I don't want any more questions" Janson snapped.

The girl sighed before spinning around in her chair to fix the last bits of the maze, muttering curses under her breath.

"Psst! T boi" Cathy called out in her head.

"Yes? I'm trying to work"

"I don't care. I forgot my watch, so how long until noon?"

"Half an hour more"

Cathy sighed in annoyance. She had to stay in here, working until noon. After that she'd have to go check on Newt and spend the rest of the day with him. Cathy didn't mind it, she'd take hanging out with him any day over working here for hours on end.

The girl fixed the bit of the maze she was assigned to. Making sure the walls of that section change in a different way every twenty four hours, each change more complicated and difficult from the first. She managed to come up with fifty different sequences which would repeat on a loop randomly for however long it the creators wanted it to.

Once she was done, and Janson was satisfied, she was excused from the room. She waved a 'bye' to Thomas and gave him a cheeky smile while he had to sit there and work. Even Teresa mumbled a 'lucky bitch' when Cathy passed her desk and gave Teresa the similar smile she gave to Thomas.

The girl took off her jacket with the W.I.C.K.E.D. logo, folded it and put it in her locker near the door. She walked briskly toward Newt's room, keeping a quick pace to get away from the work room as fast as possible incase Janson decided to be a dick and call her back to get some more work done.

Once she reached the boy's room, she knocked on the door twice before opening the door anyway, not even waiting for him to say 'come in'. Newt was sitting on his bed as usual, his back facing her.

"You know," Newt sighed as he turned to look at her "the whole point of knocking on the door is to-"

"Nice to see you too" Cathy cut him off "so, today we go to the common room up till four. After that you have to go in for another test"

"How exciting" the boy commented with a solemn expression.

Cathy rolled her eyes, something she was doing a lot. Standing by the door, she ushered for Newt to get up and follow her out. Sighing and muttering a few incoherent words, the boy walked behind her.

"So, I what do you do all day" Newt asked to break the silence "apart from hanging out with me"

"I work with these guys, as in the organisation" Cathy replied "I design stuff they tell me to. Don't ask me what because I don't know myself"

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