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Thomas couldn't find the words to express how he was feeling.

To say he felt angry and helpless wasn't enough. It was nowhere near to what he was feeling. It was so much more than just anger and hatred.

His hands balled up into fists and his jaw was clenched tightly. He was holding back the urge to break something.

"How can you be so calm about it?" He snapped, raising his voice louder than he normally would "how can you just be okay with her in there?"

"It'll be fine" Teresa sighed "she's a smart girl"

"Are you serious?" Thomas slammed his hand on the desk, startling Teresa. She had never seen him this angry before.

"She's been sent in without any memories whatsoever! Everything that she studied about the maze is gone. She's no smarter than any of those brain washed boys in there!"


"You didn't even tell me anything about this. You and Ava told me you would be sending her away to work with group B" Thomas was trying to fight back tears "I come here as usual to monitor the boys in the glade and I see my best friend Cathy up there"

"We didn't tell you about it because we knew it would be hard for you to let go" Teresa explained "that's why when we said 'you won't see her again' we told you it was because she was being moved to another branch of the organisation"

"She's your friend too" Thomas furiously wiped away a tear "you betrayed her. You sent her up there brainwashed, she could wander around in that maze by herself and die"

"She won't Thomas" the girl snapped "the others are with her-"

"They don't even remember her!" Thomas didn't care that he was crying at this point "they don't care about her the way they used to and they might never. She's on her own there and if anything happens to her I will never forgive you"

Teresa sighed and walked away leaving Thomas in the lab. She thought she'd done the right thing. She wanted to help people, everyone suffering, everyone who had died or sacrificed themselves. She was doing for the good of people.

Yes, it was hard to come to terms with sending Cathy up there knowing that she would be one of the weakest and there was a high chance she wouldn't last too long. And deep down, she knew that the organisation's methods of research were extreme and brutal. But then she thought of all the suffering she'd seen, all the people she had lost. She didn't remember much about her past, or her family or the name she was given at birth. But she faintly remembered the people because of who she was alive today.

"Im doing this for Mark and Trina" she mumbled to herself "wicked is good"

For the first time, Teresa was slightly unsure of that statement.

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