Feelings is a dangerous thing

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Cathy was surprised to find out Newt wasn't present for breakfast, again. When she didn't see him standing at the door as usual, she thought he'd gotten used to her friends and had already gone to sit with them. But he didn't and it was nearly a week now.

Where is he?


"The blonde guy?"

Cathy sighed as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Thomas, Teresa, we've been through this. Stop listening to my thoughts"

"You let us in" Thomas argued

"Where is your 'peaches' anyway?" Teresa asked "it's been almost a week and we haven't seen him"

"I don't know guys" Cathy sighed.

Once she was done, she rose up and went to her usual work place. Except this time, she wasn't going to design the last bits of the maze.

She was going to ask for answers. She'd been here for about three years and they hadn't told her anything of importance related to these trials, except for what Ms. Paige told her a week ago.

Pushing open the door, the girl locked gazes with Ava.

"Where's Newt" she snapped, catching the woman completely off guard.

"What do you mean?" Ava calmly replied "he's with the others"

"No he isn't" the girl raised her voice slightly "no one has seen him for a week and I need to know if he's okay"

"He's fine" Ava smiled "trust me"

"Oh, trust you? Sure. I trust you" Cathy laughed in a mocking way "trust you to what, electrocute the day lights out of him? I know what you did to avoid him having those dreams"

"He wasn't recovering" Ava sighed "what did you expect us to do? Let him suffer?"

"You could have called me. I calmed him down once"

"You can only calm him, not stop him from having those dreams. That was a setback in studying his brain activi-"

"Are you serious?" Cathy snapped louder "he's gone through abuse and he's suffering from anxiety and all you can think about is studying his brain activity? He's not a lab rat"

"Cathy you don't understand-"

"He's just a boy!" She yelled, gaining the attention of Janson in the room "he's not supposed to be a victim for your science experiment. He's not supposed to worry about getting those syringes stabbed into him or him being strapped down to that horrible contraption you use to make people forget shit. He's supposed to be happy considering what he's been through"

"Yes, and he was while he was with you" she stated simply "now that we were able to talk to him without worrying about him flinch or run away from us, we're happy to say you did your job well"

"That wasn't my job!" Cathy slammed her fist on the table "that was a choice! I wanted to help him. Newt means a lot to me.. and I lik..I.. well I.."

"Oh come now Cathy" Ava laughed "don't tell me you've actually come to care for him"

The woman waited for Cathy to frown and say 'no no' or 'we're friends duh' but Cathy just stood there with a sad, sorry expression. Ava stood up and walked to the girl. She placed her and on her shoulder before bending a bit so she was face to face.

"Don't let your feelings take over you" she said coldly "you don't really feel for the boy. You just-"

"I think I like him" Cathy mumbled.

"Cathy" Ava spoke sternly now "you can't possibly be serious. This is going to get in the way of what you're meant to do. Are you going to give up everything you've worked for just because of that boy"

"I didn't have a say. You made me work for you" Cathy backed away from her "and yea, I'd throw it all away for him"

Cathy spun on her heels to head for the door.

"Where are you going?" Janson asked.

"To find Newt" Cathy shouted over her shoulder "I'm done helping you. I quit and I'm going, with Newt. We're both leaving, I mean, he hates this dump as much as I do"

"You walk away, and we'll hurt that boy in every painful way possible" Janson darkly said, making Cathy turn to face him.

"You leave Newt alone" Cathy said through gritted teeth.

"Then here's how it's going to work" Janson crossed his arms over his chest "you do as we tell you, no questions asked-"

"Not like you'll answer anyway"

"Shut up! You do as we say and your precious boyfriend is left alone. Talk back or question us and Newt won't be able to even call out to you for help. Clear?"

"And you promise to keep him safe?" Cathy asked, not entirely trusting this rat "because if i-"

"Yes yes" Ava cut her off "he'll be fine. Just remember, from now on, whatever happens to Newt is in your hands"

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