anxiety dreams

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Cathy groaned as the lights flicked on in her room. It couldn't be morning just yet. She lazily turned toward her side table to look at her alarm clock. It was just 3.45 am.

Before she could pull the covers over her, Ava's voice floated across the room. She didn't pay attention to anything the woman was saying, she stayed put with her eyes shut until she head his name. Newt.

Cathy rubbed her eyes as she sat up.

"What happened?" She asked sleepily "did you say something about Newt?"

"He's had one of his anxiety dreams" Ava said in a rushed tone "and he won't let anyone get close nor is he letting us talk"

The girl jumped out of bed, jogging toward the door without her shoes.

"I know he doesn't let anyone close" Cathy told Ava as she jogged after the woman "including me but I hope he'll listen to me"

Once they reached his room the girl noticed that there were three men from the organisation with their gear on along with a doctor and Janson, one of Ava's assistants.

Cathy pushed past them and wrapped her fingers around the door handle.

"I wouldn't go in if I were you" Janson murmured "he's pretty hysterical"

This just made Cathy even more eager to go in. Without thinking any further she pushed open the door slightly and peaked in to find Newt standing on his bed with his alarm clock in his hand which was raised above his head, as if he was about to throw it at anyone who decided to enter.

"I said leave me alone!" He yelled.

Cathy flicked on the lights before stepping in.

"It's me" she said loudly, hoping he wouldn't throw anything at her "it's me"

The boy slowly lowered his hand and let the device fall down before getting off the bed himself. His eyes were bloodshot, as if he'd been crying and there were several things thrown around his room.

Cathy stepped in, Ava and Janson following her. The moment Newt saw the two, he scooted closer to the wall and crouched down. The girl spun around to face the two.

"Can you leave us alone?" She asked softly "please?"

"Leave you alone with him!" Janson barked, making Newt flinch "no way are we leaving you with this freak"

"Shut up" Cathy shouted as she inched closer to the trembling boy on the floor.

"Get him to the infirmary" Ava calmly told the men behind her. But something about her voice said that that's not where they were planning on taking him and Cathy had a hunch which she hoped was wrong

"No please" Newt pleaded "I just need some time to get over it"

Cathy rushed over to the boy, who instantly leaned closer to her. The girl gently pit her arms around his trembling frame and let him rest his head on her chest while he cried.

"Please Ava" Cathy begged as she made eye contact with the older woman "please"

The men looked at Ms.Paige, waiting for her to respond. The woman looked at the two children and sighed. She ushered the men and Janson out of the room before turning to look at Cathy one more time as she closed the door.

The moment the door closed, Newt wrapped his arms around the girl's waist as he continued to sob. Cathy let her fingers run throw his hair as she gently stroked his blonde-ish locks.

"Shh...It's alright" she cooed as she placed a gently kiss on his forehead "I've got you"

They both sat there, on the floor holding on to each other. Newt had calmed down a bit, the only sounds he made now we're sniffles.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Cathy asked softly, still stroking his hair.

Newt sat up, his eyes not meeting hers. Cathy's hands fell from his shoulders but he held them in his before she could withdraw.

"I saw him" he muttered "I was on the floor and he was there"

"Who was?" The girl asked.

Newt's soft gaze turned to a dark one. He turned to look at her, his expression hardening.

"My father" he answered as he trembled slightly "there was blood ev..every..everywhere and he did stop. He kept kicking me. And then he picked up his bottle of whiskey and.. and I was...and he.."

"Shh..." Cathy cradled the boy again as he broke into another sob. She held him close, afraid that he'd fall apart even more if she let go. As if holding on to him healed him a bit.

And it did.

Newt hoped she would continue to hold him. At least until he'd fall asleep. That is, if he'd fall asleep at all. He couldn't explain how he felt safe when she had her arms around him. How he wasn't ashamed to cry in front of her. He wasn't afraid that it made him vulnerable, he just didn't care. Because if there's one thing he'd realised, in these dark cruel place, was that he'd always have a friend in her. In Cathy.


The boy looked up at the girl through his tear glazed eyes.

"Do you want to climb into bed?" She asked sweetly "I don't think you'll have a sound sleep here"

"Will you stay?" The boy asked hopefully "or at least until I drift off?"

"Yea 'course" the girl smiled as she helped him up.

Newt scooted over the bed and got under the covers, Cathy following suite. The boy laid his head on a pillow close to her while Cathy ran her fingers through his hair again.

"Will you sing to me?"

Cathy blinked at his request. He wanted her to sing? Did he want to go deaf or did he really mean what he said about him liking her singing? The boy looked at her patiently as he waited for her to reply. Taking in his appearance, Cathy sighed as she offered him a smile.

Just close your eyes,
The sun is going down.

You'll be alright,
No one can hurt you now.

Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound.

Cathy randomly cast a glance down toward Newt. His breathing had calmed down and his eyes were shut.
His lips were parted slightly and he had his arm draped around Cathy's waist.

Either her singing was so terrible that it knocked him out or she was actually good at it.

The girl smiled at Newt before bending down to place a soft kiss in the tip of his nose. A yawn escaped her lips as she turned away from him.
Cathy closed her eyes, promising herself that she was just 'resting her eyes' for fifteen minutes. Those fifteen minutes turned to twenty and then eventually, she too, drifted off to sleep beside Newt.

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