So, she's not okay?

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Cathy didn't  know why she was feeling hollow. As if she was forgetting something important, something that she couldn't afford to forget but the more she thought about it the more confused and angry she felt. Not to mention the headache that came along with it.

"Teresa?" she turned to her close friend who was seated across her at their workplace "did i leave the microwave on?"

"No" Teresa giggled "why are you asking?"

"I dunno, i just feel like I'm forgetting something" the girl tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear "and this stupid headache-"

"Don't think too much" Teresa gave her a soft smile "sometimes you just get these random feelings that you're forgetting something. It doesn't mean you've actually forgotten anything Cat, relax"

"Yea you're right" Cathy said as she turned back to her computer "I'm just being silly"

Several minutes passed before Cathy blurted out another question, something that was really confusing and made no sense and was racking her brains.

"who is Newt?"

Teresa froze for a few seconds before letting out a shaky laugh.

"Newt? As in the lizard?" she asked

"I don't know. I woke up in the middle of the night the other day at the first thought that crossed my mind was 'is Newt okay' but i dont know who or what that is" Cathy bit her lip and looked at Teresa, hoping she'd know something "I've been feeling so empty lately. Its like part of my soul has been ripped out and thrown away-"

"You had a pet newt when you were little" Teresa quickly interrupted. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to hear Cathy.

"oh" Cat furrowed her brows in  confusion "this was the thing i had seemed to have forgotten? odd"

The two girl worked in absolute silence for the rest of the evening. The maze construction band set up was almost complete and Ava talked about sending few subjects in. So far Cathy was only told about the two mazes being created. Maybe they would make more eventually. Who knew?

Arround 6 pm, Cathy was excused from work while Thomas would fill in for her. She ran into him on her way out while a guard escorted her. 

"Evening!" she smiled brightly at her best friend while giving him a high five.

Thomas smiled at her before making his was to his desk which was next to Teresa's.

"How is she holding up?" he asked without shifting his gaze from his computer screen 

"She remembers his name. Newt's" Teresa sighed "and she still gets headaches"

"How are you okay with this?" Thomas asked through gritted teeth "she's our friend not some lab experiment. If she was not okay with the maze trials, Ava had no right to wipe away whatever remaining memories she had. Haven't they already taken away enough from us?"

"You're going to get us in trouble" Teresa muttered while throwing a nasty glace at the boy "you don't see it now but everything we're going through right now, every sacrifice will be worth it"

"She doesn't deserve this" Thomas mumbled.


"Why doesn't she come to dinner with us anymore?" Newt asked Thomas at the table.

"Aww" Minho cooed as he tried to pinch Newt's cheeks "missing your girlfriend i see"

Newt swatted his hand away and muttered a 'shut up'

"Okay seriously though" Minho looked at Teresa "where is our Cat?"

"She isn't keeping too well" Teresa lied "until she gets better I don't think we can meet her-"

"But she shows up at the lab everyday" Winston cut her off "I saw her this afternoon. But yea, I do think she's a bit sick. When i passed her in the hallway on my way to the gym, i waved at her but she didn't seem to recognise me and just offered me a smile out of formality"

Teresa could feel Thomas tense up with rage next to her. She caught his hand beneath the table, which he was now clenching into a fist. She needed to change the topic or else Thomas would lose his cool and blurt out something which would result in something bad for all of them.

"Did you guys hear about that-"

"That's odd" Minho looked puzzled "being sick doesn't mean she would forget you"

Newt saw Thomas clench his jaw tightly and sigh softly. Did he know something?

"Thomas" Newt spoke with a straight face "Cathy, she is okay right?"

Thomas nodded a yes without maintaining eye contact. Newt was not convinced so he asked again.

"Is Cathy alright?"

Everyone at the table grew quiet and looked at Thomas.

"She's going through something" he spoke slowly and softly "And uh it may or may not be the reason she's uh forgetting stuff"

"Dude!" Minho raised is voice a bit "what kinda answer is that? That means she's not okay right?"

Thomas stayed quiet.

"Where is she?" Winston asked

"Don't worry" Teresa tried to get them to shut up "she's in her room. Now can we please talk about-"

"Don't worry? Are you serious?" Minho snapped "are you telling me your're not the slightest bit concerned about her?"

"She's fine" Teresa tried to sound assuring "She just needs some space and-"

"We need to see her" Newt spoke, trying to keep his cool

"It's going to be useless" Thomas sighed


"Because she doesn't remember you guys anymore"

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