๑Chapter One๑

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Jungkook was cycling on his way home from his friends. He told himself he wanted to be healthier and fitter so he decided to cycle instead of getting another transport device like a bus but also to get places quicker. So a bike was the best thing.

Jungkook always felt a little nervous while cycling on the road. He didn't like the idea of bigger and stronger vehicle next to him, behind him and in front of him. He just needed to get used to it that's all. The lights turned red and he slowly stopped where he was and waited for the green light to appear.

It took a few minutes as the pedestrians walked across the road to the other side. Soon enough the light turned green and he slowly started to cycle again. That was until there was a pot hole in the road. The wheel of his bike got stuck and flipped him over his handle bars. As it was so sudden the car behind couldn't stop in time and ran over his left leg.

Soon all the drivers had break and some got out their cars to make sure he was alright. Jungkook claimed he was alright and was thankful that he was wearing a helmet. As he tried to sit up he felt all the pain in his leg making him want to cry but held it in and expressed his pain in grunts. The driver that was in the car behind immediately called for an ambulance.

People helped Jungkook over to the side of the road and a few moved their cars into a street parking place as they started with Jungkook. Although with the moving it caused more pain and Jungkook still refused to cry. Everyone was asking if he was alright but Jungkook was in too much pain to answer and if he did it was painful grunts.

Soon enough an ambulance arrived on the scene and started attending to Jungkook. They asked him questions and did some extra tests to see if there was anything else damaged for if he had concussion. Luckily from their test there seemed to be no sign of concussion but they needed to get Jungkook to hospital because of his leg.

They helped Jungkook into the ambulance stretcher bed and strapped him in securely, especially his broken leg. One of the paramedics stayed in the back with him. They asked him questions while they also gave him some gas and air to help get through the pain.

The other paramedic put the blue lights on and started getting through the traffic as fast as they could. It did take a while but for Jungkook it only felt like a matter of minutes before they arrived. The paramedics opened the back of the ambulance doors and got Jungkook's bed and wheeled him out into the hospital. The doctors and nurses were ready to attend to Jungkook.

They were going to do a few test to find out where about his leg was hurt but when they saw it they decided that they'd take him for an X-ray immediately. They helped Jungkook onto the x-ray table and set everything up. Once that was done they left the room and took the x-ray. They got x-ray pictures and started examining them.

They also took Jungkook back to where he was first emitted and then they came through later.

"Mr. Jeon you have broken your leg in two places. What we are going to do is: give you some more pain killers and we are going to plaster your leg up but you'll have to stay in hospital until it's healed because we need to monitor it since it is also still pretty serious" the doctor explained and Jungkook nodded.

They took Jungkook to the room here they do all the plastering and putting casts on. They plastered it which took a while but once it was done they helped into some hospital clothes and took him to his room. They wheeled Jungkook in a wheel chair to the room because the room already had a bed waiting in there for him.

They soon arrived at room 103. The doctor opened the room and wheeled Jungkook in. Jungkook looked up and his eyes were met with another boys. Jungkook's eyes were wide, he's never seen someone so beautiful. Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off the man as they wheeled him in further into the room.

"Jungkook this Kim Taehyung" the doctor introduced the man already in a hospital bed.

"Taehyung this is Jeon Jungkook, your new roommate for now" the doctor introduced them before helping Jungkook into his hospital bed.

Once they left the room it was silent, but a comfortable silent even though they had just met.

"So... your name is Jungkook?" The boy asked looked over at him.

"Yeah" Jungkook said softly.

"I'm Taehyung, nice to meet you" the boy smiled.

It was the most beautiful smile Jungkook had ever seen.

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