๑Second Ending: Happy๑

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"How's Taehyung? Is he alright?" Jungkook broke the silence impatient.

"He made it, he's currently resting up and should be awake in a few hours, you may see him" the doctor smiled.

Jimin and Jungkook stood there in happiness. They were over the moon. They both rushed over to Taehyung's room and opened the door.

They saw the boy laying on the bed finally in no pain and colour going back into his face. They both grabbed a chair and sat next to Taehyung's bed on each side. Tears of happiness ran down both of their cheeks.

-3 hours later-

They both sat in silence waiting for Taehyung to wake up. They both watched the boy sleep.. not in a creepy way but in way they were appreciating and so thankful that he was still here.

Taehyung slowly started to open his eyes. His eyes adjusted to the natural sunlight that was shining through the window. As his eyes adjusted the first person he saw was the love of his life. Jungkook.

"Hey" Jungkook smiled at Taehyung softly.

"Hey" Taehyung whispered back.

He turned his head to see Jimin and smiled at him. Taehyung's eyes widened for a second.

"I.. survived?" He asked smiling.

Jungkook burst out crying in happiness and smiled at Taehyung.

"Yes baby.. you survived" Jungkook smiled as tears of happiness rolled down his cheeks.

The doctor came in and did the last few checks on Taehyung. He then explained to the three of them that his heart is the strongest it's been since they found it weak but he had to come for regular check ups still.

They also said that Taehyung could spend one more night in hospital before he could be discharged, that was of corse if he had somewhere to go. Before Taehyung could say that he didn't Jungkook cut him off saying Taehyung could stay with him.

-Next Day-

Jungkook bought Taehyung some clothes for him to wear, since it was his first prepped time out the hospital he didn't have any clothes.

Once Taehyung was changed he held Jungkook's hand as they walked out the hospital and down the street. Jungkook smiled brightly seeing Taehyung's face lit up seeing everything around him. When they arrived at Jungkook's house Taehyungs eyes lit up. It was his first proper time in someone's house.

"My parents are on a long business trip so we don't have to worry for about six to eight months" Jungkook smiled and Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook gave Taehyung a house tour and cooked him food he had never heard or tasted before. Once he did they went out shopping for Taehyung to buy more clothes and essentials and to show him around where he's been staying his whole life but been isolated to one building.

Jungkook had never seen someone he loved so happy at the smallest things and he's so happy to see Taehyung happy and to share these moment with him forever.


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