๑Chapter Fourteen๑

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So it was now official. Taehyung and Jungkook were now a couple. Everyday Jungkook could come by and tell Taehyung everything that happened that day to keep the older boy entertained. Taehyung always loved hearing about what happens beyond the hospital grounds since he's never really left them.

One day Jungkook came in the room and saw more machine hooked up to Taehyung. He felt his heart sink to his stomach as he rushed over. He saw Taehyung looking weaker than that day they got told his health was decreasing. A doctor had noticed that Jungkook arrived on his daily visits to Taehyung. He knocked on the door gently and entered.

"I'm afraid that his health has decreased again... we are currently trying to find options that he can chose for this situation and we will get back with you if there is any" the doctor said softly and left again.

Jungkook felt fear run through his body. He didn't want to loose Taehyung. He couldn't. He's promised him to many things. Everything he wants to show, do and take him.

Since Jungkook came early morning it was currently breakfast when the nurse brought Taehyungs through and placed it on the table along with a drink and cutlery.

"Baby... your breakfast is here" He said softly and held his hands gently.

Taehyung opened his eyes slightly. His stomach turned at the sight of food. He didn't want it. He didn't feel good enough at the time to eat it.

"N-No want" he said barely above a whisper and didn't move much from how weak he was.

"Baby.... you have to eat. If you eat you'll get stronger and healthier... please" Jungkook said as he looked at Taehyung, almost in tears.

Taehyung looked at the food and tried sitting up and lifting his arm but he physically couldn't. It was too much for his body to do. A few tears ran down Jungkook's face as he just watched him. It shattered his heart into a million little pieces seeing the boy he loves so much like this.

Jungkook got the food and slowly started to feed Taehyung little pieces so he could chew and swallow at his own pace. Taehyung felt slightly embarrassed that he couldn't even feed himself but he couldn't help. Feeling the food going into him did make him feel a little better. Not a lot, only a little but that was okay for him.

He smiled weakly at Jungkook once he had finished.

"Thank you" He said in a small almost silent whisper.

That was the loudest he could get his voice to be. Jungkook smiled softly at him and held his hand tighter.

"I love you so much" Jungkook said as tears fell down his face.

Then there was another gentle knock at the door, revealing the doctor from before.

"We have come up with a few options. There is a surgery you can have or you can skip the surgery but less chance of recovery and most likely end up passing in a few weeks. But with the surgery there's only twenty percent living and eighty percent dying" the doctor explained slowly and sadly to the two boys.

Sorry about the lack of updates again. It's hard updating this book at the moment with the passion of my Nan. The funeral is this Friday. I also was listening to 'STAY' by Blackpink and 'Butterfly' by BTS while listening to this so I'm in tears.

Anyway. It's a week till I go to see Blackpink which I am excited for.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try and update more.

I love you all so so much and remember that💜💜

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