๑Chapter Six๑

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The boys were awoken again just like yesterday. Today was slightly different though, they first gave Jungkook his breakfast and then they did a few more checks on Taehyung, which took a good half an hour. Then the nurses finally left and Taehyung took his oxygen mask of and began to eat.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Jungkook said softly.

"There's a little bit of pain in my chest but I'm fine" Taehyung smiled.

"Oh um.. Tae.." Jungkook said a bit hesitant.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked and stopped eating look over at the younger boy.

"Well, my parents are coming today and they are very strict. I'm scared that they'll be against me being in a room with you" Jungkook said nervously.

"Jungkook it's fine if-" Taehyung got cut off.

"Hi honey" a female voice said coming into the room.

"Hey mum" Jungkook smiled at greeted her.

"So this is your roommate" she said looking over at Taehyung.

"Y-Yeah" Jungkook stuttered.

"Why does he have an oxygen mask? Is he sick? If he is Jungkook I'm not allowing you to stay in this room" his mother said seriously.

"Hey Mrs Jeon! I'm Taehyung, Jungkook's roommate. I can reinsure you that I'm not sick, this oxygen mask is just help reduce the pain" Taehyung smiled and Jungkook's eyes widened.

"What pain do you have?" His mother asked.

"I got in a fight and they hit my chest real hard so this oxygen mask his helping reduce the pain" he explained trying to make it sound as real as he could.

"Do you get in fight often?" She asked again Taehyung shook his head.

"I accidentally spilt my drink on one of them while I was walking they got pretty angry" Taehyung answered and Jungkook's mother nodded.

She then forgot about Taehyung and focused more on her son. Taehyung felt slightly uncomfortable for having to lie about what is actually wrong with him and he was scared that the doctor was going to come in with his medication.

"Sorry to interrupt, but would you like me to take your plate away Jungkook" Taehyung asked getting up off the bed and grabbed his plate.

Jungkook wanted to shake his head because Taehyung isn't fit enough to be walking yet but his mother answered for him instead.

"That would be very helpful thank you" she said and practically shoved the plate in his chest almost making him wince in pain.

Taehyung then left the room to go give the plates to a nurse and to ask the doctor to give him his medication and check ups later. While Taehyung was gone Jungkook's mother sighed.

"Do you seriously like him?" His mother asked and Jungkook nodded.

"I feel like you should be in a different room, isn't Mingyu in at the moment? Are you sure you don't want me to ask to see if you want to be transferred to his room?" His mother asked and Jungkook shook his head.

"I like being with Tae, why don't you like him?" Jungkook asked.

"Something's off with him and that make me not like him. Jungkook you would tell him if he was sick wouldn't you?" His mother said and Jungkook didn't want to answer.

"He told you didn't he, why can't you believe him?" Jungkook asked not answering and his mother sighed.

"Well I'm also going to visit Mingyu later, I'll ask him about it and I'm sorry your father got called out to work and couldn't make it" his mother said and stood up.

As she opened to door she walked out not caring is anyone was there and knocked Taehyung over.

"Watch where you going kid" she said quiet harshly and walked away leaving Taehyung to pick himself up.

Once he did he winced in pain but managed to walk to his bed. He took the oxygen mask and breathed into it. Jungkook had another worried expression on his face.

"Tae are you alright? I'm so sorry about my mum" Jungkook said panicked.

"I'm fine don't worry" Taehyung smiled while attaching the  oxygen mask to be securely on his face.

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