๑Chapter Three๑

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The next morning Jungkook and Taehyung were both awoken by the doctor and nurses coming in.

"Morning you two" the doctor said as the two boys woke up.

The doctor first went over to Taehyung and the nurses helped him sit up. Jungkook watched them talk to Taehyung. He watched the doctor writing down Taehyung's answers from the questions he asked. At the same time they took Taehyung's blood pressure. They did a few more things before putting Taehyung's breakfast on his table and then they went over to Jungkook asking how much pain he was in and questions like that before giving him his breakfast.

"Morning" Taehyung said after everyone had left leaving the two boys alone again.

"Morning, did you sleep well?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded.

They both ate breakfast while talking about the little things of life. Once they finished Taehyung's phone started ringing and his face lit up when he saw the contact.

"Jiminie~" Taehyung said happily down the phone.

Jungkook looked kind of confused but he had a small smile on his face seeing Taehyung happily. Taehyung continued to talk to Jimin on the phone.

"Oh yeah, I got a new roommate" Taehyung said happily looking towards Jungkook.

"Yeah he's taking care of me" Taehyung giggled and then he took the phone away from his ear.

"Jiminie wants to speak to you" Taehyung said as Jungkook took the phone carefully from Taehyung's hands.

"Hello?" He asked down the phone.

"Listen here, you hurt Taehyung I'll hunt you down, okay?" Jimin said lowly through the phone sending a shiver down Jungkook's spine.

"I-I won't don't worry" Jungkook said before handing the phone back over to Taehyung to then closed the conversation.

"Sorry if Jiminie was a bit scary he just gets protective" Taehyung explained sadly and Jungkook nodded.

"Why do you seems sad when you say that?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"Well... you see Jimin was my roommate a few years ago because of anorexia but he managed to get back to full health thankfully but while he was here there... was this other patient that um.. made fun of me and at one point physically hurt me really bad so since then Jimin has been overprotective" Taehyung explained and Jungkook sat there shocked more than ever.

"Why the hell would someone do that" Jungkook said really shocked.

"The thing is, sometime today they'll be coming back in for a week and I just know that this week will be hell" Taehyung sighed.

"I'll protect you" Jungkook smiled softly even though he knew that he wouldn't be able to do much.

"Thank you Kookie" Taehyung smiled happily and Jungkook's eyes widen... again

"Ah I'm sorry if you don't like being called that. It just kind of slipped out I'm-" Taehyung started but then got cut off.

"No Tae it's fine. See you can call me Kookie and I can call you Tae" Jungkook smiled and Taehyung nodded.

Before any of them could say anything else the doctor came back in with a weird looking thing. He walked over to Taehyung and he sighed. Taehyung put the plastic thing in his mouth and took a deep breath in and breathed out. The doctor then left again with the weird looking thing.

"What was that?" Jungkook asked.

"It's to see if my breathing improves and everything is fine but I have never really knew the name of it" Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded.

"So what do you normally do around here?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't normally do anything but we could always go to the hospital garden" Taehyung suggested then they both looked out the window seeing that it was sunny.

"I'll get you a wheelchair" Taehyung said as he slowly got up from the bed and slowly walked to get Jungkook a wheelchair wobbling a bit.

Taehyung came back in with a wheelchair and started to help Jungkook into it.

"Put your arm around my neck and put your weight on your good leg and then put the rest of your weight on me" Taehyung said getting Jungkook into position.

Jungkook was worried that he'd hurt Taehyung with the boy being so fragile but after the count of three Taehyung managed to get Jungkook into the wheelchair. Once that was done Taehyung slowly started to wheel Jungkook down the hall. Surprisingly it wasn't as busy as it normally was which was a good thing.

As they got to the bottom of the hall Taehyung had to stop to get his breath back, which worried Jungkook.

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