๑First Ending: Sad๑

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"How's Taehyung? Is he alright?" Jungkook broke the silence impatient.

"I'm afraid he didn't make it, I'm sorry for your loss" the doctor said sadly and walked away.

Jimin and Jungkook were left frozen in their seat, tears we're already rolling down their cheeks.

"N-No.... no...TAEHYUNG NO!" Jungkook shouted and cried violently.

He had his head in his hands and pulled on his hair slightly. He couldn't believe it. His boyfriend, his love was gone forever.

"J-Jungkook come here" Jimin cried and brought Jungkook into a tight hug.

Both boys cried together. Regret filled the boys minds as they cried together.

Jimin regretted not seeing Taehyung as much after he got discharged from hospital. He regretted not calling as much as he wished. He regretted not helping Taehyung as much as he could.

Jungkook regretted not telling Taehyung his feelings sooner. He regrets not showing everything to Taehyung that he wanted to see. He regretted not helping Taehyung more. He regrets leaving Taehyung and Umji in the room alone together.

"I-It's my fault he's dead. It's my fault he's not here. It's all my fault" Jungkook cried harshly  still hugging Jimin.

"No.. Jungkook this isn't your fault.. they did the surgery too late... Taehyung's body was too weak to handle it" Jimin cried more still not wanting to believe his best friend was gone.

Then a nurse came up to them with two envelopes in her hands.

"Taehyung wanted me to give these to you two if he didn't make it" the nurse said sadly and handed the envelopes to each of them.

They both looked at it and saw that they were letters from Taehyung.

Dear Kookie ,
If you're reading this it means the surgery didn't go as plan... I want to say that I'm sorry because I wasn't strong enough... but I don't want you to be sad over my death. When I first met you and my eyes met yours I immediately fell in love with you, regardless of anything. When we started talking I felt as the most luckiest boy in the world. I want to thank you so much for that day where Woojin started on me and you defended me and stopped him.. I'm so grateful to you. When I found out you could be discharged I felt my heart crack... I didn't want it to be the end of us. When you confessed I was shocked but I was filled with happiness. Even though we weren't together long I want you to know how much I truly love you. I want to thank you so much. I wanted us to be a normal couple and go out on dates..... but now sadly we can't.... but I want you to find someone better.. you deserve to be the happiest in this world and I know that someone else is waiting to give you that.. I wish I could say it was me but now my time has come.. remember I love you so much Jeon Jungkook and I always will
-Kim Taehyung

Jungkook fell to his knees crying harshly. There was no way he couldn't be sad over Taehyung's death. He was completely crushed. So was Jimin after reading his. He went over to Jungkook and hugged him tightly. They both stayed like that for hours before they both left the hospital and Jungkook went back home and continued to cry, by himself.

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