๑Chapter Twelve๑

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Jungkook was discharged that day and told Taehyung that he'd visit him tomorrow. When he came out the hospital his mother was there in the car ready to pick him up.

"I bet you're glad to finally be out of that hospital and away from that boy" his mother said as they started to drive off home.

"I mean... I'm glad to be out the hospital but I didn't want to leave Taehyung. I promised him to see him everyday" Jungkook said back.

He couldn't tell her about Taehyung's health for two reasons. The first one was that they were lying from the beginning which would have made his mother angry and the second reason would be that his mother would ban him completely of visiting Taehyung.

"How come he hasn't left then, if he got beat up" his mother said getting suspicious.

"He had surgery to remove the damaged tissues around his heart from the punches impact so he has to stay in a bit longer" he made up on the spot hoping his mother believed it.

"Oh right" was all she said.

The rest of the car journey home was quiet. They didn't speak a world to each other. When they did arrive home though Jungkook went to his room that he hadn't seen in a while. He put away the washing that his mother left on his bed. Once he did he grabbed some fresh clothes and went for a nice, long warm shower. He missed them so much but was so glad he could have one again.

He spent at least twenty minutes under the nice warm water, washing his hair throughly from not being able to really. Once he was done he towel dried his hair off and put on his fresh clothes. Then he left the bathroom a son sat on his bed.

He grabbed the controls off his bedside table and put on his TV, where he'd just watch the most random things but wasn't bothered. All that was on his mind was Taehyung. He decided that he'd confess to him tomorrow, to hopefully to rise his spirits and Jungkook wants to confess so bad.

From thinking about it for a while. His mother came up with a sandwich and gave it to Jungkook. He thanked her and began to eat it. It taste so much better than the food at the hospital. Although, he knew that Taehyung had only really ever eaten hospital food his whole life. Which made Jungkook promises himself to get Taehyung to try food that wasn't from the hospital when he was better.

Time soon flew by and it was eventually night. Jungkook got changed into his nightwear and got into bed. He switched his TV off as well as the lights and snuggled down into his bed. He misses his own bed, from the comfort to the warmth of it. He was grateful to be back in it.

He soon began to doze off and dream about him and Taehyung once again.

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