๑Chapter Fifteen๑

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"I'll have the surgery" Taehyung said softly.

Jungkook's eyes widened but it was what Taehyung wanted and it could help him.

"The surgery will be in a few days" the doctor said and bowed slightly before leaving the room.

Jungkook tightened his grip on Taehyung's hand as they were in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"I'll survive it..... I promise" Taehyung said softly and weakly.

"I'll stay by your side. I won't go home unless I urgently need something.... I'm stay here with you" Jungkook smiled with tears in his eyes.

"Kookie... I don't want to take up all your time... you need to be out there enjoying yourself and going out with friends" Taehyung said, just imagining what is normal for people to do when they go out.

"No... Tae, you're my boyfriend. I'm not going to leave you and have fun. I want to have fun with you. I want to take you out on dates, cuddle together, live together... I just want to be with you, I love you so much" tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes.

He could just imagine it all. Him and Taehyung out on a date, cuddling in bed in early mornings or late at night, them cooking together. The tears fell of happiness and sadness. Happiness because all that could happen and that they can both enjoy themselves. But also sadness because of the possibility that it won't come true.

"I don't deserve you. I love you so much too" Taehyung said in a weak voice but trying to sound as strong as possible putting on a soft and weak smile.

Jungkook looked at him and smiled as tears fell down his cheeks. He held the older's hand tightly and brought it to his lips and gently pressed them against his soft fragile skin.

"Kookie..... I'm scared.. about this surgery... I don't want to die.... I want to stay with you. I want to see the world with you. I want to see everything that I don't even know that's out there that's probably common for everyone else. I just want to spend more time with you" Taehyung said as his voice cracked slightly trying to stop any tears from falling but immediately failed.

"You will Tae, you will. You'll survive. I know you will, you're strong.. you'll make it" Jungkook cried.

Soft sobs filled the room from the two. They were both scared. They didn't know how the surgery would turn out. They both have high hopes, they know Taehyung will survive. They are praying that he will be.

"I love you" they both said at the same time.

Guys the Blackpink concert was amazing and so beautiful. I cried when they first came on and cried when they did the tribute for the Manchester terror attack that happened two years ago today, they girls performed Stay and it was so beautiful and heartwarming.

The concert was honestly beautiful but sadly due to security reasons (I think) we couldn't film or take pictures. I did get a few but not of the girls sadly. I got a picture of the clear stage and a picture as well as a video of all the lightsticks in darkness and it now my background.

I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter sorry it was so sort but guess what I'M SEEING BTS NEXT WEEK!!! I'm so excited and can't wait.

Remember I love you all💜💜!!

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