๑Chapter Five๑

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"I'm not eating that" Taehyung said pushing the plate away from him by an inch.

"Neither, but we do need some kind of food" Jungkook said as they both began to think.

"There's a vending machine at the end of the hall, I could go get us like a chocolate bar" Taehyung suggests and Jungkook nods.

Taehyung get up and walks out the room and heads down the hall. He had enough money to get him and Jungkook a chocolate bar. He just got them both a plain milk chocolate bar. He put them in his pocket and slowly started walking back down the hall. He felt pain in his chest but tried to ignore it before he fell and nurses came surrounding him making sure that he was alright.

They saw that he was in pain and clutching his chest. They called for Taehyung's doctor who came immediately and they took him back to his room. When the door opened Jungkook was about to greet Taehyung before he saw that there was doctors and nurses pushing Taehyung on a wheeled bed and transferred him over back on to his normal bed. They put on an oxygen mask and managed to reduce the pain.

They told Taehyung that he couldn't move about as much for a day or two because of the amount that he did today was over the limit. Once the doctor and nurses left Taehyung pulled out Jungkook's chocolate bar.

"Here you go" he said and threw it to Jungkook.

He managed to catch it but that wasn't his main focus at the moment.

"Tae what happened?" Jungkook asked beyond worried.

"I got pain in my chest again but I collapsed this time" Taehyung briefly explained.

"I won't be able to take you to the garden again for a few days, sorry Kookie" Taehyung apologised and Jungkook shook his head.

"Tae, I'd rather stay here and make sure that your alright" Jungkook smiled and Taehyung nodded.

"Well I'm going to sleep early, I'm tired after today's events" Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded.

"Night Tae" Jungkook said.

"Night Kookie" Taehyung said before dozing off and completely falling asleep.

Jungkook grabbed his phone and texted his mum.

Jungkook are you okay? I'm so sorry I haven't visited my phone was dead for two days.

It's fine mum. I've broken my leg in two places but I'm fine. I have to stay in until it's healed but it's alright because I have an amazing roommate.

That's good Jungkook. Me and your father will be visiting tomorrow

Okay mum, see you tomorrow

See you tomorrow honey

Jungkook sighed. He loved his parents but he was scared how they would react to Taehyung. His parents didn't like Jungkook being near people who would have to stay in hospital for very long period of time if it wasn't injury. He was scared that they would kick off about him being roommates with Taehyung.

Jungkook shook his head and placed his phone on the side and snuggled down into the cover. He pushed the thought of his parents to the back of his head and let himself slowly fall into dreamland where he dreamt about him and Taehyung.

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