๑Chapter Sixteen๑

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It soon came around to Taehyung's surgery day. Jungkook hadn't left his side at all from when they got told to now. Taehyung called Jimin and explained what was going to happen. Jimin of corse flew over as fast as he could to see him. Not wanting to loose his best friend.

Jungkook and Jimin were sat on either side of Taehyung's bed as they waited for a doctor to come through and tell them it was time for the surgery. Jungkook and Jimin kept telling Taehyung how much they love him. Of corse Jungkook as in a relationship way and Jimin in a friendship way.

They both told Taehyung stories of the outside world and Jimin told him stories about America. They both were unsure of how this surgery would turn out. Taehyung's health had decreased even more over a few days.

Taehyung smiled softly listening to all the amazing stories he was being told. He wanted to see and hear all the things they had. Soon enough a doctor came through and told them it was time for Taehyung's surgery. The other two boys had tears filled in their eyes.

"Tae... you'll make this... I know you will... I still have so much to tell you" Jimin said softly and giggled softly but sadly.

"Tae.. baby... I know you'll make this... I love you so much.. you're the most strongest person I know, I want to show you everything out there when you come out that surgery all better and healthier" Jungkook said softly and smiled softly, he moved Taehyung's oxygen mask off him and gave him a short quick peck of the lips before putting it back on.

"I-I love you both" Taehyung stuttered out weakly and softly.

"I can't wait to hear the rest of your stories Jiminie" Taehyung said softly and weakly and then he turned his head to Jungkook.

"I love you so much Kookie, I can't wait" Taehyung said weakly tried to smile as much as he could that made Jungkook burst into tears.

The doctors injected the sleeping substance into Taehyung and wheeled him into theatre. Jungkook cried more and Jimin hugged him to reinsure him everything will be fine. A few tears slipped from his eyes as well.

The two boys sat down in the waiting area and introduced each other properly and got to know each other. Since they hadn't spoke and only spoke to Taehyung.

They talked all about Taehyung and the memories they both shared with the boy and inside praying that they both could make more with the boy. Jimin also told Jungkook more stories about America and Jungkook told Jimin stories about when he went away as well.

As time went by they both got more nervous and scared by the second. None of them knew how Taehyung was doing in there.

The surgery went on for hours and hours and none of the two moved from their seats. It had already been six hours...

After another seven hours of sitting there in complete silence. The air filled with fear and nervousness. A doctor that was helping in Taehyung's surgery came out and stood in front of the boys.

This got there attention and they immediately sat up and looked at the doctor with hope in there eyes as they awaited for what the doctor had to say.....

So this book will have two endings. One happy and one sad and I'll try and get them out as soon as possible.

Remember that I love you all💜💜

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