Chapter 8

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Jimin proudly becomes a vegetable picker.

Although it is said wealth cannot last forever, the poor can be proud, dictatorship should be overthrown, but ...... but ...... but he has not passed the probation period.

But Jimin decides after the probation period is over and he is a full-time employee, he will definitely show his courage.

But the best thing to do now is to pick out vegetables for Big Boss.

At the 22nd floor, in the President's office, Jimin sits on a sofa in the reception area picking out soybeans while JK and several senior directors are in a meeting in a small conference room.

It has been almost one month. Jimin had hoped Miss Yura would come back to save him but 2 days ago Big Boss said Miss Yura had gone to Canada.

Really, why travel all over the world just after giving birth? Big Boss's family is very strange. Take Big Boss for example, his picky eating habit has worsen to incredible proportions. He may eat something today but not tomorrow. He will eat boiled vegetables but may not eat fried vegetables ......

As Jimin mutters to himself, the door of the conference room opens. JK walks out surrounded by a group of directors. Jimin does not know these people but is aware that they are all powerful figures in the company. He feels it is impolite to sit so he puts down the spoon in his hand and stands up to smile at them.

The directors immediately cry out: "Mr Park, please sit down, you mustn't, you mustn't."

How embarrassing!

How can they know his last name is Park!

He is finished. Everyone in the company probably knows he is the gutless employee who picks out vegetables out of the President's lunches!

That thought sends a cold chill through his heart. How can he show his face in the company now?

JK had been standing sideways speaking to the directors. After hearing a commotion, he turns and asks: "All done?"

"No, no." Jimin quickly sits down and continues picking out soybeans.

What will happen in the future will be left to be dealed with in the future. What is important now is to be a good servant. So what if he picks out vegetables for Big Boss. He is the king in the company!

Jimin uses a small spoon to scoop the soybeans into his lunch. Big Boss has said not to waste food. This means whatever he does not eat, Jimin has to eat. These soybeans will go into his stomach.

He does everything smoothly, completely unaware that the directors are looking at him in shock.

They have heard about the meteoric rise of Mr Park. They do not know why the President favors him. The President even spends the little rest time at lunch with him, completely not caring about company rumors.

It appears that the relationship between Mr Park and the President is not simple.

He even takes what he wants to eat from the President's lunch!

The directors walk off looking pensive. JK throws the reports in his hands onto his desk, then walks to sit down opposite from Jimin.

Jimin stands up and respectfully gives him his lunch: "President, everything's done."

"Sit down."

"Oh." Jiminn has been eating lunch here for one month, of course under Big Boss's order. Jimin understands Big Boss needs for someone to clean up after he finishes lunch.

Jimin picks up his chopsticks and begins to eat slowly. Jimin can eat fast, a few bites and he is done. The end result is Big Boss was dissatisfied because he wants him to finish at the same time as him.

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