Chapter 1 - Princess Of Canterlot

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Princess Applejack, the soon to be ruler of Canterlot, was staring out of her bedroom window silently while watching the gorgeous sunrise. She was still in her soft silk pajamas for it was very early in the day. She couldn't do much at the moment since her bedroom was always locked overnight. She had tried to escape the castle once or twice to see the outside world and get away from her obnoxious royal life but the royal guards always caught her. Her parents didn't give her much attention either. They were always with her little sister, Princess Applebloom because she was only 2 years old but they still didn't pay attention to Applejack whatsoever. Her big brother Big Mac didn't like her a lot either for he didn't like how she didn't act like a royal and how she kept trying to escape the castle. It was always big Mac who caught her because he was the captain of the Royal guards so he stood by the castle gates. She turned around suddenly as she heard her door being unlocked and pushed open. In came her royal maid. Her name was Ms Sparkle but since she and Princess Applejack were very close so she called her Twilight.
"Good morning Applejack. " Twilight greeted her. She didn't call Applejack Princess because she knew she didn't like that title. It was like Twilight was the only one who understood her on what life she really wanted to live.
"Mornin' Twilight!" Applejack greated back. She walked away from the window and up to Twilight and did their secret handshake. Since Twilight was one of her only friends they made a secret handshake together. Once they had finished they laughed and hugged eachother.
" Your father requested that you eat breakfast down in the dining room. He would like to have a conversation with you about the coranation tomorrow evening."
Applejack groaned at this and told Twilight she would be down in a minute. He wouldn't spend any time with her unless it was business or something important to the kingdom. Twilight was just walking out as Applejack walked into her huge walk-in wardrobe to pick a dress to wear. She never really liked wearing these fancy dresses but she didn't have a choice anyway. She picked an orange dress that was very long and silky. Orange was her favourite colour.

It was probably the least fanciest dress she owned but of course it was still fancy

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It was probably the least fanciest dress she owned but of course it was still fancy. She put it on then brushed her long hair. It went down way past her hips. She stared at her stetson in the corner of her eye. It was special to her for her uncle gave it to her before he passed away. He was just like Applejack, he didn't like being royalty. He was a professional horserider. She knew her dad would be annoyed if she put it on but she still did anyway. She put on basic make up then headed down the huge hallway and down the grand staircase to the dining area.
She opened the huge double doors to find her father sitting at the end of the long dining table.
"Good morning father" Applejack said as she walked over to a seat close to her dad's.
"Hello my dear Applejack" he said. "I just wanted to make sure you knew the plans for tomorrow". Applejack nodded because he had been through the program about ten times but he still went through the it again. It was very boring. So they spent the next hour talking but Applejack wasn't really listening. She had just kinda zoned out whole looking at the window.
"One day I'll get to go outside" she thought.

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