Chapter 5 - Finding A Purpose

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In the distance, they could hear what sobs. Pinkie Pie and Applejack looked at each other questioningly and decided to go check it out. As they became closer and closer to the whimpering sounds, they turned into an alleyway to find a girl, slim and frail, sitting with her head in her hands. She had long purple locks and pale white skin. She wore what looked like to be a simple white dress with a purple ribbon wrapping her waist, tying into a bow at the back. Her slender body was shaking and she looked very weak. She was startled by the sudden appearance of the two girls and jolted up onto her feet.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?!", she blurted as she was slowly stepping back, tripping over once or twice on her feeble feet. She looked startled and scared and what Pinkie Pie did next didn't help the situation.

"My name's Pinkie Pie it's nice to meet you!!". She quickly ran up to her and put out her hand for a handshake.

"P-Please don't hurt me" the girl stuttered, with obvious fear in her eyes. Pinkie Pie looked at her with a bewildered expression. Applejack rolled her eyes and pushed Pinkie Pie out the way.

"I'm so sorry about her", she apologized. "My name is Appleja- I mean Jackie, My name is Jackie." Applejack said calmly so as not to alarm her."Good going  Applejack," She muttered under her breathe for she almost gave her real identity away. Applejack slowly put her hand out so that the girl could shake it but the girl just looked at her hands and keeping her own close to her as she was too afraid to shake it. 

"M-My name's R-Rarity" She whispered in between her sobs. "W-What do you want from me?!" Pinkie Pie and Applejack looked at each other. They both knew that the other was thinking to help the poor girl so they nodded.

"What's the matter sugar cube? Why were you crying?" Applejack asked. Rarity didn't know if she could trust them but at this point, she had nothing left to lose so she decided to tell the truth, plus she thought they looked like trusting girls. She told the girls her whole story. She had been living in Canterlot all her life just with her little sister SweetieBelle for her parents had died when she was 12. From then on, Rarity had to take care of herself and her little sister but it was a very difficult task. Rarity worked as a salesperson for the local clothing store and they could barely earn enough money to eat, let alone get any luxuries. A couple of weeks before, her little sister fell very ill from a disease she caught while working on a farm with the animals but had no money to go to a doctor or buy medicine. She died a couple of days ago and from then on, Rarity has been lost. She felt like she had no purpose in the world anymore. By this point, Rarity was sitting on her knees weeping again. Applejack and Pinkie Pie were shocked! They knew that something was obviously wrong due to her sobs but they had no idea it would be this bad. They sat down either side of her and Applejack put an arm gently around her shoulder. 

"Well, we feel the same thing. I mean the feeling of being lost to make that clear. That's why Pinkie Pie and I are heading to the forest on the edge of the village. We've heard many stories of that place so we've decided we're going to see if some of those legends are true, but the main reason is for a place to stay. I'm a runaway and Pinkie Pie ran a bakery all by herself so we haven't left behind much. You could possibly join us if you'd like to? I mean, who knows what we will discover in that forest, you might find that you feel you have a purpose again. A new purpose."

Rarity wiped her tears with her arm, looked at the girls hesitantly and gave a shaky nod. "I suppose I could go, I've always wondered what kind of magic is hidden in that forest."

The two girls smiled at Rarity and spoke for a while before they headed off to continue their long journey. All the girls had one thought in there mind. What would they discover in that forest?

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