Chapter 9 - Dinner Date

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Applejack and Rainbowdash walked back into the cottage as it the nighttime was nigh. They were both smiling to themselves after their dance together but neither of them mentioned it. It was a relief as the warm air from inside hit their faces as it did get very cold outside once the sunsets. Rainbow Dash had started to cook dinner while Applejack just sat on the couch. Applejack felt pretty useless and was also quite bored so she decided to get up and help Rainbow Dash clean any dishes that she had finished using. Rainbow Dash gave her a smile as the cowgirl walked up to her. 

After about twenty minutes the dinner was ready on the table as the two girls took a seat by them. It started to get quite awkward so Rainbow Dash spoke up.
"So... how do you like it here?" she asked.
"I love it!" Applejack replied. "It's so lively and everyone seems so happy. All except for you, you've kept your guard up. If you don't mind me asking may I ask why?"
Rainbow Dash found it difficult to find an answer as she stuttered. "W-well... I uhh... Ok, the truth is, I've been tricked before by intruders. They almost took down our village but we managed to stop them just in time. So I usually keep my guard up with new people, but for you, you seem different, more trustworthy. It feels like I can be honest with you."
They stared into each other's eyes, lost in the others. Applejack felt like she could trust this girl. It was strange. She felt bad that she hadn't been honest with her and decided to open up about the truth. 
"I'm glad you were honest with me about your past problems so I'm going to be honest with mine." The spectrum haired girl looked at her confused.
"What do you mean?". Applejack took a deep breath before revealing the truth.
"My name isn't Jackie. It's Applejack. My name is Princess Applejack of the kingdom of Canterlot..." Rainbow Dash just stared in shock whereas Applejack held her head down. She couldn't believe it. She was talking to THE princess of Canterlot. Her shock changed to anger as she stood up from the table and stormed out the front door.
" No Rainbow Dahs wait!" Applejack shouted after her. She ran outside to find the girl looking out into the distance. Rainbow dash didn't turn around but said, "why are you really here."
"I ran away! Just like I said before! I'm being honest!" Applejack cried. "Please you have to believe me!"
Rainbow Dash looked back at Applejack, obviously upset. "Well... I don't". Rainbow Dash ran off in the opposite direction. Applejack could hear sobs coming from her as she ran off. She wondered why she was so upset about this whole ordeal. That's when she realized. She was from the family that banished the pegasus away. It was her own father that banished them. Seeing the girl run off in sobs made Applejack's heartbreak. She really liked Rainbow Dash. 'I shouldn't have told her' she thought. She decided the best thing to do at this moment in time was to run off and find Rainbow. 


Rainbow Dash ran off in tears. Over time she realized that she liked the cowgirl but she couldn't now after figuring out her true identity. It would be going against her village, her community, her people. She ran as fast as she could to the one spot where she always sat to think about things. After a couple of minutes, she finally made it there. It was a beautifully secluded part of the forest, with a pond in the middle. Surrounding the pond were some beautiful flowers and plants. She took a seat on a log that was an old tree that had fallen. She stared into the pond Wondering what to do. She was thinking of Applejack. 'How could someone so kind banish a whole species from their kingdom?' she thought. She thought about what Applejack had said to her on the balcony. Maybe she wasn't lying. Maybe she really did flee her kingdom but why? She's a princess! What could be so bad about her life? She looked up at the sky and at the moon. She had never been so deep in her thoughts like this for a long time.


Applejack searched and searched for what felt like hours until she entered a secluded part of the forest. She heard whimpering close by and knew exactly who it was. She followed the sound until she saw Rainbow Dash. She looked so beautiful, sitting staring up at the sky. Applejack accidentally stood on a twig which caught the Rainbow haired girl's attention. As soon as Rainbow Dash spotted her, her attitude changed. She immediately looked at the ground with a look of anger in her face but you could see that she had been crying. Applejack walked up to her and took a seat next to her. "What do you want." Rainbow Dash snapped.
"Rainbow Dash..." Applejack said softly. "I'm so sorry for what my family has done. I really am. It was all my father's doing. I wasn't born at the time but if I was, I would have done everything in my power to stop him. If I ever return to my kingdom I will take on my role as queen and set things right. I promise." Rainbow Dash looked at her with a look of sympathy. They stared into each other's eyes lost in the moment. Nothing more was said. Both the girl's hearts were beating swiftly and their stomachs felt like they had butterflies. Neither of them wanted this moment to end. They started leaning in closer, both of them slowly closing their eyes as their lips met. This passionate kiss went on for a while as Rainbow Dash put her hand on Applejack's cheek. The cowgirl's arms had somehow made it round the other's waist as they moved in time to each other. It was heaven, they never wanted this moment to end. Sooner or later they parted lips and stared into each other's eyes once more. That's when Applejack realized what she had just done.  "I-I'm so sorry!" She stuttered as she took her hands away and faced the opposite way. She felt a hand on her own. "It's alright", Rainbow Dash replied with a smile on her face. "Come on, you look tired. Let's get you home."

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