Chapter 15 - To The Rescue

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Applejack awoke in her bedroom back in the castle. It reminded her of the day she left this place, the day she met her friends, the day she met the most beautiful girl in the world. A tear fell down her cheek as she sat up and got out of bed. She went to go sit at her dresser and as soon as she looked at herself in the mirror, she burst into tears. She had lost absolutely everything and she sure as hell couldn't get out now. She wasn't even allowed out her room for goodness knows how long. Her tears had dried up, leaving her face red and puffy. She felt numb. Her feelings were everywhere yet she felt nothing at the same time. She wanted it all to be over. She heard her door click open but didn't even bother to look at who was there. She didn't care who it was for she was in such a terrible state. 
"Hey AJ......" A familiar voice said. She immediately turned around to see her best friend, Twilight Sparkle. She ran up to her and gave her a huge hug, and once again started crying into the girl's shoulder.
"Twilight.." She whispered. Twilight took Applejack by the shoulders pushing her back slightly to look at her in the eye. 
"Are you alright? Were you kidnapped?" she asked with a worried expression. The princess cast her gaze away from the girl standing in from of her and down to the floor. "I ran away..." She mumbled. Twilight looked at her shocked, yet confused so Applejack motioned for her to sit down so she could explain the long story.

Rainbow Dash stepped into her shower to once again gather her thoughts. It had only been a couple of days but in those days she could barely get by. Not once did she ever stop thinking about the terrible events that happened, the invasion, how her people were put in danger, Applejack.... Something came over her. She couldn't keep going around in her own pity party. She had to get Applejack back. She had to save her. She turned off the water and stepped out the shower, shoving on her clothes as fast as she could and sprinted out the front door. She met up with Fluttershy and Scootaloo and they decided to make a plan. It took a while to do this for they had to consider the fact they were planning to break into a ROYAL castle. This would have meant that the protection of the royal family will be very high with many guards surrounding perimeters. Especially after what happened with Applejack. After they had created one, all they had to do was put it in action so they set of for the castle as soon as possible.

Early the next day Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Scootaloo and the rest of the guards they could muster up set of for Canterlot. The journey was long and treacherous but they soon made it to the kingdom. As they entered, the townspeople were in aw at the surprise visit and mostly because of the fact they were pegasi. Some hid in there homes while other shouted hurtful words back at them. No one in the troop listened for they were all walking in line with one another, putting on straight faces to show that they didn't care. They walked on a bit further till they saw the castle in sight. 
"Bingo..." Rainbow Dash said under her breath, a smirk appearing on her face. What they planned to do next was for the troop to distract the guards while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew to Applejack's window, wherever that was. They took into account the advantage they had. Wings. The troop was told to wait while Rainbow Dash went to go inspect what they were up against. The sun had just risen so now was a perfect time to attack. As she expected, there was a guard everywhere she looked. There was even more than 50 guards around the gate alone. She sighed in frustration before flying back towards her troop.  She told them the facts about what they were up against and went over the plan once more. 
"Does everyone understand?" She said as she finished going over the plan. "Yes ma'am!" They all replied, standing to attention and saluting. "And remember, this plan isn't just to save Applejack, although that is a big part of it. It's to fight for our kingdom, to give them the revenge they deserve and to get back at them for what they did to our ancestors!" They all cheered in triumph, happy to be giving them the revenge they deserved. "Ok, let's head out!" 

The plan was now in action the troop ran with determined shouts as they went to attack the first set of guards. Some were on ground while some flew right around them. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy watched from afar as they saw there plan coming into action. Once all guards were busy fighting off the rest of her troops, the two girls flew up and around the castle, searching for the window that belonged to Applejack's bedroom.

Applejack sat on her bed, strumming her guitar. She was trying to write another song but didn't have the right inspiration. She messed about with some chords and sang with them but nothing seemed to work.  "Aaaarghhh!" She yelled in frustration, burying her head in the guitar.
"Is everything alright AJ?" someone said. She looked up to see Twilight again as she walked by her, sitting down on the bed next to her. Applejack just glumly shook her head. Twilight already knew the reason for it had been the only thing that was on her mind since she had returned. Twilight was shocked at first when she heard that Applejack had ran away, but began to understand her reasons why. They spoke about how it was inevitable that she would have to be crowned queen one day. Suddenly they heard a tapping noise coming from the window. They looked up to see two girls trying to get her attention. 

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