Chapter 6 - The Legends of the Forest

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It had officially been one full day since Applejack had escaped from the castle, escaped from her family and made two friends who already cared for her and her feelings more than her family ever did. She wasn't saying that her family didn't love her but when it came to her feelings, they couldn't care less about them. They were all just focused on creating their visions of 'Queen Applejack'. She rolled her eyes at the thought. The three girls were walking in comfortable silence for they had just finished a deep conversation about their pasts. It lasted hours and Applejack almost let her secret slip a couple of times. She started thinking about what would be happening back home. Would they be worried? Would they even care that I was gone? Heck, I mean they might have been too caught up in their own royal duties to notice her disappearance. She wondered if they may be looking for her, that they may have sent out royal guards. I mean, the coronation was supposed to be today and without a future queen to be coronated then they might have a problem. Just as she had that thought, she spotted two men, both dressed in armor, talking to the villagers nearby. 

"Oh no...", Applejack muttered underneath her breath. She had to find a way to get the three of them away from the guards so she wouldn't get caught. This was going to be a difficult task because if she shows that she is alarmed against the guards then her friends may start to question her.

"Uhm... Why don't we go this way? It's a nice detour from the village, a nice scenic route!" she exclaimed.

"But we need to get to the forest by sundown and we might not make it if we go that way." Rarity replied, looking at the Princess questioningly.

Applejack didn't listen to what Rarity had to say, instead, she just pushed them in the other direction away from the guards. She picked up her pace to make sure that she was out of sight but the two girls looked at her, clearly confused.

"Why the change in pace?" Pinkie Pie questioned the girl.

"You heard Rarity! If we want to make it to the forest in time we should get going a bit quicker!" Applejack quickly blurted out.

"If you say so..." Rarity said. It was about noon and the sun was up at the highest point in the sky, the warm rays of sunlight hitting the land ahead. They could only just start to see the forest ahead of them but it was still quite a distance away. Applejack reckoned it would take them at least a couple more hours to reach it.

Another conversation started between the three girls but this time they were talking about the legends of the forest. There were many different legends about this mysterious forest like waterfalls colored like the rainbow and animals that could talk, but the most well-known story of all was the legend of the pegasus. They weren't like actual pegasus ponies but instead, they were just humans with wings. Oh and powers too. Every pegasus had a unique power or talent you could call it that made them so majestic. Legend has it that they were feared upon by humans and banished to the forest where they have never been seen since. Applejack always loved fairytales as a little kid. Her maid Twilight got her into them by lending her some books when they were younger. Twilight was Applejack's best friend growing up for she was the daughter of one of the maids and was always brought to the castle. They would often spend hours in the library talking and reading about legends and fairytales. This thought made Applejack feel sad that she had left her best friend behind. She knew once she had settled into her new life that she would go back for Twilight and bring her to the forest. 

Those few hours passed and the sun was starting to set in the sky. By now they were just at the entrance of the forest. Rarity made a sigh of relief while Pinkie Pie jumped in the air and shouted, "Finally we're here!". Applejack just smiled and rolled her eyes at the excited girl for she had been rambling on and on about it for hours on end. Applejack and Rarity could even say they started to get a headache from all her rambling. 

Taking their time now, they walked deeper into the forest as the light from the sky started to disappear. They had to be cautious about what may lurk in the dark shadows for none of them knew what could be hiding. After a quick walk into the forest, they found a nice cave to take shelter in, just in case, it started to rain. They didn't have much with them of course, only a few thin blankets and a dirty pillow each. Applejack had to borrow off of Pinkie Pie for she hadn't brought any of these things for she fled the castle in a hurry. As Pinkie Pie and Rarity were heading off to sleep, Applejack couldn't quite do the same. It was a cold night and she was shaking underneath her blanket. it took her what felt like hours to finally start to nod off but when she was just about to fall asleep someone grabbed her by the arm. Immediately Applejack tried to scream but her mouth was covered by a hand. Applejack's muffled screams were not enough to alert Pinkie Pie and Rarity and she was dragged away, farther and farther from the cave where her friends lay sound asleep...

-------Author's Note---------

Hey guys! I'm actually really enjoying continuing this book and I can't wait to write more! for now, my schedule is to post once a week but if I finish before then, then it might be more often.

I have the whole storyline figured out now and can't wait to show you guys the rest of what I have planned. Plus, it's just about to get to the good part.... ;)

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