Chapter 13 - The Festival

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Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash were getting into their formal attire for the festival but while Rainbow was in her home, Applejack was with Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Rarity had insisted she did her hair and make-up for her. The three girls were laughing along, enjoying the conversations they were having. One conversation that made Applejack a little uncomfortable was when guys were mentioned. Pinkie Pie and Rarity went on about how they may find their true love at the festival and how handsome the guy of their dreams would be. That's when Pinkie Pie noticed something wrong. "Applejack, you seem a bit quiet. Are you ok?"
"Y-yeah Pinkie, I'm fine." Applejack stuttered. She was a terrible liar and the two girls could tell as they were given her the "Really" face. Applejack sighed "Fine, ok you got me. You're all talking about how handsome and kind your future boyfriends will be and let's just say I can't relate." Rarity gave a confused look. "Well, whatever do you mean darling?" "
"Well..." Applejack started. 
"WHEN YOU CAME INTO THIS VILLAGE YOU MET SOMEONE WHO YOU GREW CLOSER WITH AND SHARED A SPECIAL BOND WITH AND YOU DON'T WANT TO TELL US  HOW YOU MIGHT BE FALLING HEAD OVER HEELS FOR THEM BECAUSE IT'S A GIRL AND THAT GIRL IS RAINBOW DASH?!" Pinkie Exclaimed in all one breath. The other two girls looked at her in aw. Pinkie Pie just said it was her pinkie sense that told her so. weird. "Darling that's great that you've found someone already and we won't judge you for who you like and don't like," Rarity said. They were all ready so they all stood up and shared a group hug. 'How did I get such amazing friends?!' Applejack thought. That's when they were all interrupted by a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she ran for the door. When she opened the door Applejack was stunned. Standing in the doorway was Rainbow Dash and boy, did she look beautiful. She was wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath. She also wore black heels which completed the look Her spectrum coloured hair was tied up into a ponytail. "H-Hi" RainbowDash stuttered. Both of the girls were blushing, HARD. "I think me and Pinkie are going to head off down just now." Rarity said as she winked at Applejack. "We are?" Pinkie Pie asked. Rarity shot her a glare before turning back and smiling at Applejack as they both walked out of the room. Rainbow Dash walked up to Applejack and they were both staring at each other. "wow you look hot." Rainbow Dash blurted out, She immediately covered her mouth and went red with embarrassment "I-I mean-" 
"I could say the same about you" Applejack smirked. Rainbow Dash held out her arm for her to take. "M'lady," They both laughed at this as they walked out and down to the festival, arm in arm.

What Applejack saw when they both walked in was breathtaking. It may be outdoors but it looked just as beautiful as her secret garden back at home. Flowers of all sorts of colours were attached to the bushes and the trees had the most gorgeous green coloured leaves sprouting out of them. Nearby there was a drink and dessert table and also a makeshift dance floor. The festival was held at the foot of a mountain so there was a river flowing down from the top and through the venue. "Wow, this is honestly amazing! Do you do this every year?" Applejack asked. Rainbow Dash just simply nodded her head as she watched Applejack admire her surroundings. They had met up and spoken to Fluttershy, as well as Pinkie Pie and Rarity.  All of them in awe of the beauty of the venue. After that, the two girls decided to go grab some drinks and sit down at a table. "How do you like it so far?" Rainbow Dash asked the girl across from her."I think it's fantastic!" She smiled, but that smile soon faded. "I just wish it could maybe be like this back in my kingdom," She sighed. Rainbow Dash felt bad for her and put her hand on top of hers which was lying on the table. "One day," She said. "One day, I promise it'll be like this in your kingdom". Applejack smiled back at her, a slight blush forming on her face. To try and make Applejack feel better, Rainbow Dash asked, "Would you like to dance?". The girl nodded and before long they were both dancing away to the upbeat song that was playing. Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy went to join them as they all danced together. All of them were having so much fun together, more fun than they'd had for a long time. Without the two girls noticing, the music had started to slow down. They had only figured out what was going on when the three other girls had disappeared to give them space. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were caught in each other's gazes as Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms around the Applejack's waist and Applejack put her arms round rainbow Dash's neck. They stayed like that for a while, slow dancing together. They never wanted to part from each other's grasp but that's when Rainbow Dash stepped back slightly, her hand cupping Applejack's cheek. Without thinking they both slowly moved in for the kiss until...


A loud bang was heard in the distance followed by screams. The two girls turned around and just as they did, a giant boulder had been catapulted and was heading straight for them both.....

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