Chapter 4 - A New Friend

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"so what seems to be the problem Jackie? Is there anything I can do to help?", the pink haired girl said sympathetically but enthusiastically.  Applejack was pretty nervous to answer for she was playing with her fingers. She didn't want her to think she was a helpless teenager. In the end, she just blurted out, "I'm homeless and the only money I had was stolen from me. I just don't know what to do anymore! I was planning to go to the forest but I got lost and  I don't know where that is anymore. " She sighed. Pinkie Pie looked down as she said, "I'm not homeless but I certainly Don't like it here. Sure, I love to bake but that's all I ever do. I'm not a particularly wealthy person so I struggle to make a living as well. This means I never have time to go out or make friends. I run the bakery myself but my parents ran it with me till they passed away. To be honest I have always wanted to just abandon everything and see where life takes me! But I can't. I wouldn't know what to do if I left."
Applejack was silent for a minute before saying what she was thinking.
" Well, if you know your way to the forest, why don't you come with me? I'll help you start a new life and make some new friends! " She thought about this request for a minute. She wasn't sure what to do, even if she had always wanted to do this it was still a huge risk to take. But then again it was really boring here at the bakery by herself. She had also wondered what lurked in there even if she wasn't supposed to go there. There have been many legends about magical creatures living there hundreds of years ago.
" You could still make your sweet treats once we find a place to stay!" Applejack persuaded her. Pinkie Pie being the very positive and adventurous type of person didn't think about it properly but said, "I'd love to! I feel like we will be in for some surprises and I LOVE surprises!" Applejack held out her hand for Pinkie Pie to shake it. "I guess it's settled then!" Applejack beamed. It hadn't even been a day and she already had a new friend! It was actually a big shock to her that Pinkie Pie took the offer since it was such a risky and possibly life-changing one.

Once Pinkie Pie had packed her essentials they started their trek to the forest. They talked to each other about different things and Applejack asked questions about her life. Once it was silent again Pinkie asked, "So, what part of town are you from?". Applejack realized she might be asked many questions like this and have to lie. she hated to lie, especially to someone who she can now trust but she knew she couldn't tell anyone.... yet. "Uhh... I-I'm from the North of Canterlot. I lived v-very close to the castle." Pinkie Pie looked at her sympathetically. "Must be hard there, where you can see the royals having a great time, listening to the parties they have. I just wonder why they keep the money to themselves?" Applejack wanted the answer to that question too. She promised herself once she is ready to face her parents again she will get the answer. They kept on at their large journey to the forest until they heard a sound from a distance...

-----------AUTHORS NOTE--------------

I haven't checked for spelling/grammar issues because I don't have time so sorry if there are any!


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