Chapter 2 - The Escape

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It took ages for Applejack's father to finish his conversation about the coronation but every time he went over it it made Applejack dread it more and more. Once she finished her breakfast she sluggishly walked up the stairs (until her mother walked passed and told her off for the way she walked) and went to her room. She didn't know what to do or what to think of the situation. She didn't want to be seen in a fancy gown let alone rule Canterlot! She wasn't ready but then again didn't want to live this fancy life of royalty. She had to take time to think about this so she knew exactly where to go. She went back into her wardrobe and rummaged around in the corner of the room to find what she was looking for. Eventually she found the shoes she was looking for and flicked them up like a handle. Suddenly the clothes rack with all her dresses separated and revealed a door. She put in the pass code then it opened to reveal a magnificent spiral staircase. She hurriedly walked down them while trying not to trip on the long dress as she went down. As she reached the bottom of the staircase she smelt the beautiful smell of her secret garden. It was glorious! It had long stretchy vines hanging down from the ceiling decorated with small pink and purple flowers and all sorts of colourful plants covered the ground. She walked through the plants on a stone path leading to a bench where applejack would always sit and think about her problems. What was she going to do? She didn't want to rule Canterlot! She shuddered at the idea of wearing even fancier dresses! She had an idea in the back of her mind that she never took into consideration but today she decided it was time to use that idea. She was going to try and escape again. She couldn't just do what she did as a kid though, she had to think of a decent plan which would maybe give her a higher chance of escaping. She thought about what her family would think. Sure, they would be sad for like a week but they didn't really treat her as their daughter. She wondered what could be outside the castle gates. It would be amazing! So her final decision was to go. She immediately ran back up the stairs (tripping on the skirt every four steps) and packed a small bag with some food, water, money and other essentials.
She ran to her huge desk, ripped a peice of paper out of her notebook and wrote a goodbye message to her maid Twilight. She was very upset to leave her but once she was out and found somewhere else to live she would come back to help her escape because Twilight was not treated well by her parents either. She planed the rest of her escape in the next hours.
Night fell across the kingdom as everyone was heading to bed. Applejack was in her night gown but she wasn't going to bed. She ran past her chair picking up a jacket and slipped it on while quietly picking the lock to her room. Her plan was working as she tiptoed quietly out the castle without being seen. As she stood at the gates she thought, 'this is it! Your finally fulfilling your dream Applejack! Goodbye royalty and hello normal life!' she slithered through the gates but she was suprised by what she saw next.

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