Chapter 14 - Sacrafise

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Applejack ducked her head down, knowing that she was about to get hit. She waited a couple of seconds before looking up and seeing the boulder floating in the air. It was Rainbow Dash. She had stopped the boulder and threw away with her power. Rainbow Dash groaned and felll to her knees at the sudden exhaustion and Applejack looked back at her astonished. 
"Are you alright sugercube? How did you do that?" 
"Telekinesis, It's my unique ability. Now come on!" Rainbow replied as she took Applejack's hand and ran out of plain sight. They ran on for a couple minutes before stopping due to fatigue. Both girls were hiding behind a couple of trees, one standing with her hands on her thighs and the other sitting on the ground. "What.... what was that?" Applejack said looking up at the spectrum haired girl. Neither of them could talk very well for they were both trying to catch their breathe. Rainbow Dash shook her head. "I have no idea, but it can't be good." Applejack started to think of her other friends that were at the festival with her. A worried expression could be seen on her face. Rainbow too notice of this and knew exactly what it was about. "I'm sure your friends got out and they're fine. We can't go back to look for them." The cowgirl didn't like this idea but knew that it was what had to be done. Both girls sat in thought on what to do next but they came up with no ideas. That's when Applejack said."Maybe we should go back. Not to get my friends but just to see what's going on. We would be out of sight the whole time."
Rainbow Dash thought about the idea and her facial expression changed from thoughtful one to a determined one. "Fine. We go back but AS SOON as we find the problem we return and address to my people." (she's the leader of the kingdom by the way. Just thought I'd mention that because I forgot that myself XD). They both got up and started walking back, careful not to be caught. They returned back to the venue of the festival and it looked like a disaster. In less than 15 minutes it turned from a gorgeous garden venue to what looked like a bomb sight. The food and drinks table was smashed to bits from the boulder Rainbow had thrown, banners and streamers were pulled down and trampled on from the villagers fleeing, but what caught Rainbow's eye was an arrow that was stuck in a tree. Once she saw this she knew exactly what was happening. "We're being invaded..." Rainbow said.
She didn't want those words to be true but the evidence in front of her proved otherwise. The two girls immediately ran over to the town square where everyone was waiting. They could see Fluttershy and Scootaloo trying to calm down the noisy crowd. They were on the stage that the band were playing on just a week ago.  "Everyone needs to just calm down!" Scootaloo shouted. She was a very strong for her age and even though she was a similar age to the captain of the guards who was standing next to her, no one took her seriously due to her short height. That's when Fluttershy couldn't take it anymore." ENOUGH!!! " she shouted. The captain immediately gave everyone 'the stare' and all was quiet. That's when Rainbow Dash ran straight through the middle of the crowd, dragging Applejack by the hand and up to the stage. The crowd looked shocked at the state that their leader was in before listening at what she had to say. "I want to thank everyone for their patience" She began to say. "But I'm afraid this ordeal is something we haven't experienced for years or even expected to happen again but... we are being invaded." Gasps could be heard in the crowd before a surge of panic came over the town. "Here's what I want to see happening! All guards including those still in training and retired report to Fluttershy at the training centre immediately. I need everyone else to do what they can to fight back. Keep the children and elderly inside and if all else fails, get as far away from here as possible." Rainbow Dash ordered. Applejack watched as people started to flee in different directions. Rainbow Dash was behind her talking to Scootaloo and Fluttershy about orders. Suddenly, Applejack saw some invaders start to approach but before she said anything, she had a moment of realization. It wasn't just any random troop of invaders, they were from Canterlot. "There she is!", one of the Canterlot guards shouted. "There's the Princess!"  This caught the attention of Rainbow Dash for the two girls she was talking to had already left. She turned around and took hold of Applejack's hand. They both shared a brave yet worrying gaze as the guards came forward. "Hand over the princess at once!", he called out. "Never..." Rainbow Dash growled. Applejack's head was spinning, the situation become too much for her. All of a sudden time stopped. Applejack looked around with a confused expression. It was silent. Everybody had stopped moving and there was no more shouting. She didn't know how, but she had just managed to stop time. She turned to see the furious expression written on Rainbow's face as she looked at the guards. She saw that they were still holding hands. She turned her gaze over to the guards but one guard caught her eye in particular. In between the large amount of guards was her brother. Her brother had never liked that much but something inside of her changed. She looked up to see more guards in the middle of attacking the innocent villagers. This changed her. She knew what she had to do. She closed her eyes and everything started to move again. She looked into Rainbow's eyes with a look of sincerity as she whispered, "Just by being here I'm putting everyone in danger. As much as I don't want to I have to go back." Rainbow's expression turned to an expression of upset. "But!" Applejack shut her up by planting a kiss on her lips. "Please... let me do this." she said as tears began to stream down her face . Rainbow just looked at her with tears in her eyes as Applejack walked down and met with her brother. Guards surrounded her as she walked off back to Canterlot.

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