Chapter 16 - Standing Tall

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There, at the window wash Rainbow Dash and her friend Fluttershy. Applejack rushed to the window to let them in as Twilight looked with a hint of confusion and suspicion. The two girls flew in, landing softly on their feet. Applejack stared in aw at the girl in front of her.

" came back for me.." She whispered, tears flowing down her cheeks. Rainbow Dash went to embrace her in a hug. They felt complete in each other's embrace, well, until Twilight spoke up.

"Do you mind telling me what's going on here? she stared at the two girls. The two pegasi introduced themselves to her and Twilight looked back at Rainbow Dash smirking.
"So your the one Applejack has her eye on?". Applejack immediately shot back a glare while the rest laughed it off. That's when Rainbow looked into AJ's eyes. 
"My troop are distracting the guards, if you want to leave we must go now."
Just before anyone started moving, Twilight spoke up again. 
"Wait, your leaving?" she asked, a look of disappointment on her face. 
"You can come with us if you want" Applejack replied. The three girls who were about to leave were waiting for the other girl's answer. 
"I-I uh..." 

The sound of a door slamming open was heard. All of them turned around to see none other than the king himself, standing at the door. He did NOT look happy.
"What is the meaning of this?!" He shouted. He looked over to Rainbow Dash. "And who the hell are you?!" Applejack's breathing quickened. She was in a state of panic. She didn't know what to do. She heard shouting and hollering from everywhere as she tried her best to cover her ears. Finally she had had enough. "STOP!" She yelled. And everything did stop. Once again, she had managed to stop time. She still had no clue how she did it but as soon as she did, she fell to her knees and sobbed. "What do I do?!" She cried.

"Maybe I could help?". Startled, Applejack turned around and saw her little sister, although she wasn't little. She looked older, like in her late teenage years.
"Applebloom?" She whispered. "Is that you?"
"Indeed it is", she replied. She walked over to her and crouched down to meet her gaze. Applejack looked up at her, upset yet amazed. "H-how.. what?".
"There's something I need to tell you" Applebloom stated. "Remember when dad was telling us the story about how grandma died in the battle between Pegasi and human's, and that she sacrificed herself for us?" 
Applejack nodded, recalling the story her father had told her as a child many years before. 
"That story, it isn't true."
Applejack looked confused, why would her dad lie to her about that?  

"Indeed she did sacrifice herself, but not for us but for the Pegasi. She was a pegasus. Before the war, she had married a human which was our grandfather, so when dad was born he didn't inherit the pegasus wings or abilities. Even though he had only human features he was still part pegasus and someway or another that was passed down to us, to you, to me. We have our own abilities, that's how you managed to stop time and me, well I can travel through time. My 4 year old self is still within this castle, but my mind can travel and show me the future and I've been traveling for seventeen years, hence why I look seventeen. The future, it wasn't bright for you, but that's only because you gave up and I'm here to give you the validation you need as your little sister. I constantly look up to you for your strong, smart and brave and I don't want you to give up on yourself. Fight for what is right. Your life is in your hands."

By this point, Applejack was once again in tears, appreciative of her sister. She looked down to wipe her tears but when she looked back up Applebloom had disappeared. Carefully she stood back up and looked around. She saw Rainbow's hand out in front of where Applejack was originally standing to protect her while her father looked like she was about to explode with anger. She saw her mother standing at the door, a scared look on her face while Twilight and Fluttershy looked at each other worryingly. She had to do something about this. She walked over to where she originally stood to make sure that the rest of them didn't get suspicious. She took a deep breath in and when she breathed out time had started to move again. 
All at once everyone was arguing again so she grabbed Rainbow's arm, flung it down and ran straight to face her dad. Everyone had gone quiet at this point as she looked straight into the eyes of her father. 
"All these years," she sobbed, "you were lying to me. Oh and by the way, I can stop time," she said sarcastically pointing to the fact she had a special power. Her dad stared at her, lost for words and he knew exactly what she was talking about.
"Sweetie, w-what are you talking about?" he laughed nervously.
"Drop the act dad, I know that you know what I'm talking about. Why didn't you tell me I was part pegasus?!" Everyone in the room froze in the shock of this new revelation. 
The kings expression changed to a vexed expression. "They were evil! If anyone found out you were part pegasus then they would have you kicked out for what they did! Applejack, they assassinated one of our own kind, there was no other option than to banish them."Rainbow Dash stepped in, furious at the accusation of her entire kingdom. "Yes, that did happen but it was one person! That person could've been one of your kind and we wouldn't have done anything so foul than to banish every single one of you just for what one individual did!"

The air was so tense, you could cut it with a knife. Applejack felt like she had to choose a side, even if it meant losing one of the people she loved from the other. Finally she spoke up. "Rainbow Dash is right dad, you can't blame them all for a crime one person committed. It was over 75 years ago, you need to let it go! And for your information, they aren't evil, in fact, I'm in love with one" She blurted out. A look of slight regret came up on her face for she didn't know if that was the right thing to say. To reassure her, Rainbow Dash went up to take her hand, looking deeply into her eyes.
"So your picking her over your own father?" The king shouted.
"No," Applejack retorted. "I'm not picking one over the other, I'm standing up for what is right."

Once Applejack said that, something in the king had changed. He realized that she was right. Without hesitating, he walked over to her and kneeled down, placing his crown in his hands. "You deserve this, you've proven your more than worthy to run this kingdom."
Applejack hesitated. "But I-I don't want to be queen."
"No, you don't want to be locked up in the castle. When you were growing up you were never allowed outside, you were never allowed to make friends, and you weren't allowed to live a normal childhood. But I promise, this time will be different. You'll never be locked away again. you can out to town every day and make more friends."

Applejack didn't know what to do. She looked  at Rainbow Dash who was now standing behind her for reassurance and she just nodded her head. Slowly she took the crown and carefully placed it on her head. Everyone bowed down for her.
"Her majesty, Queen Applejack!" her father declared. Some where cheering, some were hugging each other in celebration. Rainbow Dash grabbed the queen's hand, twirling her round into a passionate kiss. Applejack felt complete. Everything was alright now. 
"So, your majesty, what shall be your first declaration as queen?" Rainbow Dash asked. 
Applejack thought for a minute before answering. " For my first declaration as queen, we shall invite the pegasus back into our kingdom and we will join as one!" Once again everyone started cheering. Applejack turned her gaze back to Rainbow Dash as everyone was listening for what she was about to say. "Rainbow Dash," she began. "I know it has only been about a month but it has felt like forever with you in it. I honestly don't think I would've made it through without having you here by my side to support me, and ruling as queen, let's just say I won't be able to do it alone." Everyone caught on to what was going on. She was about to propose. Applejack didn't have a ring for obvious reasons so she just took hold of Rainbow Dash's hand. "Rainbow Dash, you are the love of my life and I need you there beside me when I rule as queen, so I ask you one question. Will you take my hand in marriage and rule beside me in this new found alliance of kingdoms?" Rainbow Dash was speechless. Tears ran down her cheeks as she was processing what was going on. "Yes" She replied while nodding her head. The two pulled in for another passionate kiss as everyone cheered for the third time that day.


I'm so so soooo sorry it's been so long since I last uploaded. I'm having trouble with my social life and mental health at the minute so I had to take a breather from everything. Also, there's still one more chapter left so don't go! Also check out my new Appledash fanfic that I'm continuing once this one is finished. It's a very different fanfic to the usual one's I read about Appledash so I'm hoping you'll all go give it a read! <3

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