Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I stayed up all night to publish this chapter. I ran out of data ... so I had to do night subscription. 😭😭


I woke up expecting to be back In Jin's body, but to my surprise,  I found out that I was in Suga's body.

Yeah.. The Agust D!

How is this possible?. My eyes wandered around the room. I saw somethings,  hanging from the wall.  I had watched enough Korean movies to know what they were.

Talisman.. Used for repelling ghost.

"wha..." I furrowed my brows, after I realized what they were.
"Jin.. oh.. Jin" I muttered. "what have you done? Do I look like a ghost to you? I'm not even dead. You think this can repel me? Time to prove you wrong" I got up from the bed.

Ugh.. Why do I feel so heavy. Suga's body,  can I survive in it?

"Get prepared to get the scare of your life" I said,  rubbing my hands. I started searching for items that I could use to scare Jin. I knew he wasn't the the one responsible for my switching bodies, but I still wanted to scare him and see his reaction. I made my way over to his side and saw him sitted on the bed. He was completely asleep.

What the...?  Can someone sleep in this position?

I moved closer to him and whispered in English. "I thought we were friends,  why would you try to repel me?  Don't blame me for doing this"

I went back to suga's side of the room and continued searching. I open his drawers, looking for something I could use, and mistakenly landed on his drawer of underwears.

Oh my!  😅

What are these?

I lifted one up and examined it carefully, it had what looked like a bunny?.. on it.

I shuddered and quickly placed it back.

I continued my search and found glowing markers, which was perfect. I grabbed the white sheet from the bed and drew a scary face on it. When I was done with it, I switched off the light and headed for Jin.

Standing in front of his bed,  I draped the sheet over my body and started making weird spooky noises. It seemed not to wake him up, so I became louder and his eyes twitched, slightly opening and closing.

"Ghost!  Ghost!  Ghost! " I whispered loudly, until he woke up and saw me or should I say.. saw the ghost. Then he let out a shriek and moved backwards till he was at the edge of the bed, his back resting on the wall.. or more like trying to enter it. I moved closer to the bed. He raised his in front his face and started shouting. "No! No! No!"

I knew this was the cue for me to leave,  so I slowly dragged my feat backwards towards the bathroom and closed the door.  From inside the bathroom, I heard the door to the room barge open.


The members of BTS all flooded into the room,  one after the other when they heard Jin shouting. Even the sleeping Maknae was forced to wake up. They switched on the light and saw Jin on his bed with hands covering his face.

"what is wrong? "

"Hyung what happened?"

"why were you shouting?"

They all asked consecutively. Seeing his members,  Jin let down his hands and pointed at the bathroom door. Even though his eyes were closed,  it didn't stop him from seeing where the ghost had entered.

"G-Ghost.. " He said quietly, in hope that the ghost won't hear him. This action freaked out the rest of the members and they looked towards the bathroom doors. But Taehyung's happen to notice that suga wasn't on his bed.

"where is suga? " Taehyung's asked. And for the first time the others noticed it too, and two of them went over to suga's side of the bed to take a look.

"He is not here.." jungkook who went over said after returning. ".. And his bed is in disarray. His sheet is missing too"

"what to do? Have the ghost taken Yoongi? " J-hope said frightened.

"you saw the ghost enter the bathroom?" Namjoon asked Jin who was still on the bed,  petrified. He nodded his head.

"Suga must be in there.. He could be the one pulling a prank on you" namjoon said.

"why would suga-hyung do that?" jimin asked. "it's mid-night, and why hasn't he come out yet? "

No one had an answer to that. They all kept staring at bathroom door.

"we have to go check" namjoon broke the silence.

Everyone moved back for him to lead the way. Namjoon cursed under his breath. It was in such situations, he hated being the leader of the group. He bit his lips and gathered all the courage he had and went over to the bathroom door. The others followed behind him. When he got to the door,  he place his hands on the door knob and slowly opened it.


Listening in on their conversation, made me feel like peeing, as I tried holding my laugh.

'Oh poor Jin' I thought. ' I actually caused him to be in such a state'

I felt the door move.

'Here it comes' I thought, using my hand to push the door open and giving them another scare.

"Boo!!" I shouted. Namjoon fell backwards, causing the others behind him to loose their balance and they all fell down.

This time, I released the laughter I had been holding in for a long time and laughed till my stomach started hurting.

They quickly recovered and screamed simultaneously.

"Yah! " "Hyung! " "Yah Suga!"

I apologised while laughing. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry"

"what was that for? " namjoon questioned.

"Aish.. You really scared us" J-hope said standing up with the rest of the members.  I could see the relief on his face.

"did you see the ghost, hyung? " jimin asked me.

"I'm sorry.." I stepped out of the bathroom, lifting up the sheet in my hand. " it's a prank"

A/N: I cried- laughed when writing this chapter. It reminded me of bts kidnap episode. Their reactions were priceless. Especially jungkook, j-hope and V. 😂😂

I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did.

I purple ❤ you.

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