Chapter sixteen

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"you know what you did isn't good,  right?"Jin asked, sitting opposite me.


"this.s.....all this is beyond my reasoning. I really don't what to say to you"

I nodded my head. Even I don't know what to say,  I just sat there,  on his bed,  staring into space. I was already absent minded.  My head was jumbling with various thoughts. Various thoughts of worry. I did not know whether to panic or stay calm. I was already oblivious of what was happening to me. This isn't what I planned for. How did it all come to be like this?  Aren't I supposed to return back to my original body, after the second day in Suga's body had gone? But what was I still doing here? Why am I still here!  In a different body!

"it really is confusing.." Jin fumbled his hair, he caught sight of me in my absent minded state. "yah! Are you even listening?.." he raised his eyebrow at me and did not wait for me to reply before saying. "it must be tough on you. I can't imagine how you'd be feeling now" he sighed, reaching forward to tap my hand with his for a while before withdrawing it. ".. But you brought it upon yourself. You never considered all these happening, did you? You obviously did not cross your t's nor dotted your i's.... You really are something else.."

I looked at him with sad eyes. I was already feeling bad and Jin was adding more salt to it. I wailed and jumped on him. I fell on his legs and held on to it.

"Oppa!" I cried. "Oppa you must help me!  I don't know what to do anymore. I'm wrong and I know it. Pleeeaasse... You have to help me"

Jin was given a fright and he quickly stood. He tried pushing me off his leg, but I held on to it tightly, not letting go.

"Aish! What do you think you are doing? .. Let go! Let go of my leg!" Jin barked. But I was adamant and increased my cries. Good thing suga wasn't in the room.

"O-oppa... Oppa! Oppa! Oppa!"

"Aish... Stop calling me that! You are in a guy's body!  What would others think, if they saw you calling me Oppa?"

"Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! .. Jin Hyung help me!"

"That even sounds worse, especially with you being in that body! ... And I really can't help you! I'm not a magician! This is your doing, you should figure it out yourself!"

"I don't know what to do anymore..." I cried louder. Jin was already getting frustrated with me.

"A-Ah.. Ah!  Alright! Alright! Alright..Enough!. Get off me before the others comes inside! I don't want them seeing us like this, I'll.. I'll help you"


"Yes, let's sit and talk about it.. I'm sure we will be able to figure something out.  Now! quickly let go of me!"

That said, I let go of his legs and we went back to our previous position.

A/N:  I know this chapter is short .. I apologise for that.

Whose body do you think she is in right now?

Let me know what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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