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The group of kids runs through the forest. Stella is in front, the piece of flesh flying above her. She mutters spells intermittently when the flesh begins to slow. Behind her, MG runs next to Lizzie. Landon and Hope are in back.

MG's phone begins to ring. Without stopping, he hands it to Lizzie. "It's for you," he says. "No way I'm telling your dad what we're about to do."

Lizzie takes the phone. "I suck at lying." She glances at Landon. She hands him the phone, saying, "You're great at it."

Landon's eyes widen. He hands the phone to Hope. "You're his favorite."

Hope opens her mouth, but Stella yells back, "Don't even try."

Hope grimaces before she gives the phone back to Lizzie. "You're the hero."

Lizzie stops running as she reluctantly answers the call. "Hey, Daddy!" She exclaims, her voice fake as can be.

"Hey, thought I'd check call, check in, see how things are going."

"So good," Lizzie says. Stella rolls her eyes at how bad Lizzie is at lying.

"Really? Define good, Lizzie, because I don't think that involves me tracking down Dana's body to the glove compartment."

Lizzie's eyes widen. "Listen, Dad, it's fine. We cracked the case. It's a spider. But, like, a big, huge, nasty spider. And MG's comic books know how to kill it."

"Comic books? Really? Lizzie, listen to me, whatever you're thinking of doing, don't, ok? So, just tell me where you are, and Matt and I will be right there. And where is Hope?"

Stella stomps forward, ripping the phone from Lizzie's grasp. "Hey, Dr. Saltzman, Stella Hale here." She can hear him sigh from over the phone. "You're going to have to trust your daughter for once, ok? And, piece of advice, if you want your daughters to come to you when they're in trouble, you should trust them back."

Stella clicks the end button and hands it back to Lizzie. The blonde looks furious. "Now, you know how it feels," Stella says with a wicked grin. "Let's do this!"

The flesh begins flying through the air once more; all of the teenagers run behind it. As they get closer to the Salvatore School, Stella recognizes the shack before them as the same shack Lizzie and Josie hide their alcohol. It is the same shack where Hope learned of her destiny.

A scream echoes from within. Stella surges forward, but Hope pushes her back. "That's Josie!" Stella yells, trying to push her way past Hope.

"Let Landon go first," Hope whispers. They watch as Landon runs in with a metal bar he found on the ground.

"Hey, douchebag!" He yells, banging the metal on the ground. An animalistic screech echoes in their ears. "Oh, damn," he mutters.

Altogether, the three witches run into the shack. Stella's eyes find Josie instantly. She and Rafael stand on the second floor, their hands tangled in webs.

Josie pulls away from Rafael and mutters a spell. The webs around their hands blow away. Both students rush down the stairs as the giant spider before them hisses. Rafael holds a body wrapped in spider web as he runs out the door.

"Lizzie, Josie, I need your help," Hope yells as both twins run to her. "Take my hand." They obey. "Stella, fire away."

The Hale girl smirks—a smirk her mother would be proud of. Stella rolls her wrists, letting fire appear in the palms of her hands. "Hey, bitch!" she says, drawing the spider's attention. "I hate spiders."

Burnin' Up | J. Saltzman - Legacies [1]Where stories live. Discover now