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Three witches and a human walk down Main Street. The human walks a few paces ahead of the girls with his crossbow poised to strike. In a line, the witches stroll behind him: Lizzie and Josie stand on either side of him while Stella is on the other side of Josie.

The dim street lamps lining the street flicker as the witches pass. Storefronts are closed—their buildings pitch black. The only bright light comes from the sign for the movie theater. Owls hoot in the distance as crickets chirp in the eerie darkness.

A shiver runs up Stella's spine as she looks around. Every shadow causes her body to tense, afraid the mummy might jump out.

"Some people find it helps to clear their conscience before heading into battle," Lizzie says, refusing to look at Stella.

The witch scoffs. "Not stopping you."

"Now is not the time," Josie groans.

"It's always time for truth," Lizzie replies. "Last chance, Stella. If Hope didn't start that fire to keep us from going, then why was she so mean to me after? I'll tell you why—because she was guilty."

"Girls," Alaric snaps. "Quiet back there."

"Seriously," Josie adds, glancing between the girls nervously.

Stella clenches her jaw and fists. "I'll tell you why—I told her too." Lizzie snaps her head to look at Stella. "She told me you were the mean one. I said to shove it back in your face."

"I was mean because she was telling everyone about my episode," Lizzie mumbles.

Stella pauses, turning to face the girl. "Your what?"

"The one I had when our trip got canceled," Lizzie says as undiluted rage builds up behind her eyes. "Hope told everyone that I was witch bipolar."

"She would never do that," Stella replies.

Josie sighs. "Guys, seriously, what is the point of even talking—"

Lizzie stops her sister with a cold glare. "Just drop the act. I had my first occurrence, my mom took me away to get help, and Hope used it against me."

As Josie's expression drops to horror at the sight before the group, Stella shakes her head. "She didn't know. I swear, Hope would never do that."

"Guys!" Josie yells. Both girls cease their arguing and look at the brunette. "There's a mummy on Main Street." Josie moves to the side, allowing Stella to get between the siphoners. Alaric holds up his crossbow and narrows his eyes at the creature approaching them.

The mummy is wrapped in yellowing bandages. Attached to its chest is a scarab; the object glows green in the dark, outlining the creature perfectly. It clutches the urn tightly in its hand. Stella almost steps back in shock when its face is lit up by a lamp—it looks like the Necromancer. A small resemblance but enough to put the girl off balance.

"So, what, do we, like, rush it?" Lizzie asks as fear creeps into her voice.

"It's seven feet tall," Alaric replies. "We hold our ground until it's close enough to attack."

Josie inhales sharply as the mummy continues approaching them. "Ok, Dad, get behind us."

"I can't do that."

Lizzie throws her hands up in the air, yelling, "Dad!"

He shakes his head. "I have to protect you, all of you."

Stella scoffs and rolls her eyes despite the rising panic. "No offense, Saltzman, but you and your crossbow are kind of man-spread in front of three powerful witches."

Burnin' Up | J. Saltzman - Legacies [1]Where stories live. Discover now