T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Sitting in the corner of the auditorium, Stella looks out the window at the bright skies and green fields. She knows that out there is a real life unicorn, but she can't bring herself to go and see it. Carter always joked about unicorns; the dead girl's voice plays in Stella's head on a loop.

She can hear the commotion behind her as people set up for the talent show. What troubles her is the laughter emanating from Hope's mouth.

All day, Stella has avoided her cousin. Somehow, Hope figured out how to get past her pain. She has been smiling and laughing and joking around since she woke up, and it makes Stella nauseous.

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Josie walk up to Hope. Watching through her book, Stella narrows her eyes at the siphoner. "Hey, do you know where they moved the stupid canes for the talent show?" Josie asks. "Lizzie was asking me to find them."

Hope frowns. "You seem very anti-cane."

"No. Just anti-doing the same exact thing every year." Josie looks away from Hope, finding Stella. The witch shrinks in her seat, hoping the book in front of her face hides her enough. "But it's fine," Josie sighs.

"I'll keep an eye out, but I think someone has an eye out for you." Hope smirks as she stands up from the stairs.

As Josie turns, Stella's cheeks grow red. Her heart begins to flutter. But all of that ends the moment Josie sees Penelope walking towards her.

"Oh, dear God, hide me," Josie says as she ducks behind Hope.

Penelope pauses before Hope with an apprehensive look on her face. "Hi," Hope greets with a smile.

Penelope looks around Hope to find Josie cowering on the stairs. Reaching forward, she hands Josie an envelope. "Just make sure you read it in private."

Josie clicks her tongue, appearing unaffected. But the tense shoulders and bitten lip tells Stella just how nervous she is. "I'm not gonna read it at all," Josie replies.

Penelope, to her credit, nods and walks away. Stella sends her a glare, but no one notices.

"What do you think it says?" Hope asks. "'Check this box if you want to kiss me. Check this box if you want to kill me?'"

"I don't know, and I do not want to find out," Josie says.

"If you need me to help you smite the she-devil, I got you, girl." Hope gives Josie a smirk. "Plus, I'm 100% sure Stella would kill her for you. Actually, I'm pretty sure Stella would do anything for you."

"Did Emma just slip you happy pills or something while we were gone?" Josie asks with wide eyes. Stella only shrinks in her seat.

"No, just having a good day," Hope replies.

"People like us don't just have good days," Stella mumbles under her breath. Miraculously, Hope does not hear.

"That makes one of us," Josie sighs.

"I have a class to teach," Hope says suddenly, throwing her arms around Josie. "But your day is gonna get so much better, Jo. I just know it."

As Hope walks away, Stella follows her with narrowed eyes. "What the hell?" she mutters, watching the bounce in Hope's step. "How are you so happy, Hope?"


Stella jumps and turns to find Josie sitting beside her. With wide eyes, Stella forces a smile on her face. "Hey. What's up?"

"Were you spying on us?" Josie asks with a smile.

"What? No!" Stella sets down the book and exposes her palms. "I was just—I'm avoiding Hope," she says quickly.

Burnin' Up | J. Saltzman - Legacies [1]Where stories live. Discover now