T W E N T Y - N I N E

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It happened too fast to be real.

That's all Stella can think as she stands in line with Emma, Kaleb, and the Saltzman family. They, like everyone else in the town, are herded through tents of medical assistance with government workers aiding them. Each worker has a blank stare as they move people from tent to tent.

Stella neglected to give her phone away when asked, so she keeps a firm hand in her jacket pocket. She stands beside Josie and behind the adults; Kaleb is on the other side of Josie with Lizzie on the end. Despite the harsh words Lizzie has thrown in Stella's face, the Hale witch can tell she is nervous. They all are.

"I don't get it," Stella whispers as she leans forward. "The locals that we met said that they hadn't seen anything which means that the first sign of trouble happened after we got here. How did these people get here before the bugs?"

"I don't know who they are," Alaric says. "but they are too prepared, organized, and well-equipped to be responding to some random insect attack."

He pauses as the group steps up to the check-in table. The woman sitting there looks up, boredom covering her face. "You together?" She asks.

Alaric puts on a fake smile. "Yeah, you know, we just came in from Roanoke to see that giant ball of yarn you guys have."

The woman blinks. "And these are?" She points to the rest of them.

Wrapping an arm around Emma, he says, "This is my wife, Emma." Emma smiles happily, placing her hand against Alaric's chest to see the act. Alaric glances back. "These are my daughters." He motions to the twins. "From my first marriage, obviously." Kaleb coughs as Stella shrinks behind Alaric. "And, uh, Kaleb here is..."

Kaleb's eyes fly wide open as Alaric fumbles with words. "My boyfriend," Lizzie says quickly, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"And the dark-haired one?" The lady asks.

Stella slowly peaks out from behind Alaric. She forces a smile on her face as Josie opens her mouth to speak. "I'm, uh, just a friend," Stella says. Josie presses her lips together, sending the Hale a soft look.

The woman narrows her eyes. "Name?"

Glancing at Alaric, she says through the tightness in her chest, "Laura Adams."

The lady lets them pass.

The first thing Stella does is take Josie over to a medical technician. Lizzie trails along with a glare on her face. "I can take care of my sister," she snaps, pushing Stella out of the way.

Before Stella can reply, her phone begins to buzz. Panic shoots through her as she moves to the corner of the tent to answer the chat. As Hope's face pops up, Stella can't help but sigh in relief. "You're ok," she says.

"Of course, I am," Hope laughs. "Why wouldn't I?"

"You haven't answered your phone in days," Stella hisses as anger seeps into her tone. "Neither have my parents."

Hope shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I meant to call you back, I was just—"

"You were busy," Stella states as emotion leaves her voice and expression. She stares blankly at her cousin. "You were doing other things. I get it."

"But it's no excuse," Hope says. She opens her mouth but pauses as she goes pale.

"Hope?" Stella asks, tapping the phone. "You froze, are you ok?"

"Don't look, but the guy behind you was outside Landon's mom's house when I was in Kansas."

Stella chances a glance behind her to see a man in a polo jacket. He has short cropped hair with a very sharp jawline. He stands straight like he knows he deserves the attention. "I don't like him," Stella mutters. 

Burnin' Up | J. Saltzman - Legacies [1]Where stories live. Discover now