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Heat swarms the students of the Salvatore school. An unnatural warmth spreads through the thick air, making students throw blazers on chairs and switch their pants for shorts. It stifles them, distracting them from work.

Stella cannot feel it as she bursts into Alaric's office to find her mother pouring over books. Lexi looks up, a look akin to surprise flashing across her face. But the blonde knew Stella was coming.

Stella stares at her mother. Her eyes hold subdued rage, like a lion waiting to pounce. Her hands are clenched at her sides and sweat beads her forehead. "You were down there with the Necromancer," Stella says. "Why?"

Lexi straightens her back and lets the book in her hands fall closed. "Alaric asked me to," she replies. "The Mikaelsons owe him a favor. I am the unfortunate one who has to cash in."

"But why the Necromancer?" Stella asks. She steps forward tentatively. "I can tell you're nervous. That's why you were cloaked. Why are you so anxious?"

"The Necromancer is doing something I condone." Lexi looks down at the books around her. "I am always tentative around dark magic, especially the kind that brings people back from the dead."

Stella lowers her eyes and takes a deep breath. Slowly, she unravels her fists. When Lexi glances down, she notices red crescent-shaped marks on her daughter's palms. Stella shakes her head. "Saltzman's interrogation isn't working."

Lexi nods her head without taking her eyes off of Stella. "That's why I'm here. He knows he is struggling, but he still thinks he can get answers from an egotistical maniac. Luckily, I found out and decided to offer my expertise."

The heat dissipates. Stella inhales sharply, bringing her hands up to her face to rub her eyes. She is exhausted after the past few nights. Every night at the same time, Stella goes to the twins' room. They all end up talking for hours before they eventually pass out. After the first night, when Josie woke up guilty that she made Stella stay, the Hale girl has made sure to wake up early and slip out of the room.

Lexi walks up to her daughter and gently cups her cheeks. She looks down as Stella looks up. "What's wrong?" Lexi asks. Her voice does not go above a whisper. Stella glances away, but Lexi's hands keep her from moving too much. "You can trust me, Stella."

"Trust isn't the issue," Stella mutters as she glances away. "And there isn't anything you can do to fix it."

"But I can try."

Stella's blue eyes snap back to Lexi's. Beneath Lexi's hands, Stella's skin begins to burn. The mother does not move. "Last time you tried to fix a problem, my uncles still died," Stella snaps.

Lexi drops her hands with wide eyes.

Before she can respond, Hope enters the room with books in her hands. "Hey, Aunt Lexi," she greets, well aware of the tension. She offers a smile as she tries to diffuse the situation. "Can I borrow Stella?"

Lexi nods and forces a faux smile on her face. "Take as long as you need," she rasps, dropping her gaze back to the books.

Stella hangs her head as Hope leads her out of the room. "What's up?" Stella asks, following Hope through the school. Hope does not answer, not even as they descend into the dungeons. "What are you—"

"Wait for it," Hope says. Stella goes silent.

They turn the corner to come face to face with the infamous Necromancer. As the monster grins his greeting, Stella shifts behind Hope. Her hands are still at her sides, but everyone in the room knows she is ready to pounce.

Burnin' Up | J. Saltzman - Legacies [1]Where stories live. Discover now