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In the doorway of the Salvatore school, Stella leans against the wood paneling. Her eyes look out over the great expanse before her: rolling green hills with a pond in the distance before the dense forest leading into the rest of Mystic Falls. She waits with her body tense and lips pursed.

A hand lands on her shoulder. She turns her head to see Josie standing beside her. "Hey," Josie says with a soft smile.

Stella mirrors the smile before turning back to the landscape. Birds chirp in the distance as children play, unaware of the hell closing in on them. "Why did you come down to the dungeon?" Stella asks, her eyes never meeting Josie's.

The siphoner sighs as she leans against the other side of the threshold. "I don't know. I felt a surge of panic and terror. I was...suffocating. Then, I found myself next to you in the dungeon."

Stella lets herself glance at her friend. "Do we tell someone?" Josie frowns, tilting her head to the side. "About what happens when one of us is in trouble."

Josie looks back into the school which is bustling with commotion as students prepare for their midterms. "I don't know." She shakes her head. "Maybe some distance would do us good. It could just be a coincidence."

Stella scoffs. "Coincidence never goes with the supernatural."

"That's true," Josie laughs. "but why worry when nothing bad is happening?" Her voice is carefully constructed to reveal nothing.

Both girls know it isn't normal: they know something is wrong. But they are too alike—they do not want to cause unnecessary trouble. Which is why both have the same secret.

"I'll miss you," Josie says as she looks back at Stella. "I'll call you every day."

Stella nods. "You better. Also, you have to bring back some pastries. France is the best place for good carbs."

Both girls erupt into giggles. It isn't long before the setting sun reminds them of Josie's departure. That, and Lizzie ruining the moment.

"You ready, Josie?" Lizzie asks as she pushes past the witches and towards the awaiting car. "We don't want to miss our flight."

Josie sighs and shakes her head lovingly. "Be right there!" She calls before she looks back at Stella. "Please tell me you'll still be here when I get back."

Stella smirks. "I'll make sure of it."

Josie grins back at her friend. "Then I'll see you in two weeks." With a wave, the siphoner joins her sister at the car.

The moment Josie looks away, the smile on Stella's face disappears. She slumps against the wood paneling humming with power as the car starts up. When the car's lights turn on, Stella realizes her mother is standing behind her.

Tensing, Stella straightens her back. "How was your talk with—"

"Enlightening," Lexi replies too quickly. She pauses, considering her words. "I want you to stay here for a little while longer."

Stella whips her head in her mother's direction, questions of Lexi's encounter with Mikael gone from her mind. Her wide eyes hold surprise and relief. "Really?"

Lexi smiles softly, cupping Stella's cheek. "You seem to be thriving. And now that the knife business is over, this school is safe."

Stella lunges forward to hug Lexi. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She squeals as the elder witch laughs.

"All I ask is that you stay safe," Lexi says, running her hand over Stella's back. "And that you tell me when you're in trouble."

Stella's thanks cease as she peels herself away from her mother. Running a hand through her hair, she tries not to think about her magical difficulties. She hopes that her mother cannot see how truly scared she is. "Of course."

Lexi nods as her smile drops. "I should head back. We can't leave your father alone for too long. He gets worried."

Stella rolls her eyes playfully. "He's so dependent on us."

Lexi nods. "But we love him anyway." She bends down, picking up her small duffle bag. She presses a soft kiss to Stella's temple, murmuring, "You be good, alright? Stick with Hope, and stay safe."

"I know," Stella whispers as Lexi pulls away. "And I'll call you, I promise."

Lexi inhales deeply, taking one last look at her daughter before she walks down the porch and towards her awaiting car.

It only takes a moment before Stella calls after her. "Mom!" Lexi turns, her hair blowing behind her like a real-life superhero. Stella takes a step onto the porch and wraps her sweater tighter around her body. "The Necromancer said that Mikael hung on to our souls."

Lexi's face drains of color.

"He said that he hoped Mikael gave you some answers. He sort of implied that without answers, someone would die."

Lexi takes a long moment before she answers. "Mikael knew a lot about the mythology of Malivore. He also knows about a new threat. Nothing you need to worry about right now." Stella tilts her head to the side with a frown. "I will tell you when you need to know, I promise."

Stella nods, contemplating whether she should speak again. She decides to talk. "He also said that Dad's mom is looking over us. All of us."

It takes a minute for the words to process. A tear falls down Lexi's face, but she is quick to wipe it away. She smiles up at the clouds and sighs. "I hope she finds peace. Out of everyone, she deserves it most."

Stella takes another step forward. "What was she like?"

Lexi shakes her head. "Stories for another time. You just remember what I told you. Stay close to Hope. Be good and—"

"Stay safe," Stella says with an annoyed smile. "I know."

Lexi runs her eyes down Stella's body once more. "I'll call you when I get home. I love you."

As Lexi gets in her car, Stella watches with a neutral expression. The car zooms away into the setting sun, leaving Stella to watch alone at the doorway.

When she can no longer see the black Camaro, Stella walks back up to her room, placing a note on the door: Do Not Disturb. She leans against the humming door, her eyes narrowed. Before her, piles and piles of books lie on her bed, on the floor, on her desk.

She ties her hair up into a bun as she cracks her neck. "Now, let's see what the hell is going on with Josie and me."

Who wants to guess what's going on? Hope you enjoyed!


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