T W E N T Y - O N E

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"I can't let you go through with this," Lizzie says as the Saltzman twins strut down the hall of Mystic Falls High School on Homecoming night.

"You need to stop," Josie says, rolling her eyes. She flaunts every curve she has in her sequenced dress. "Dana and Connor denied it, and I believe them."

"Why would you believe them over me?" Lizzie asks.

"Because you always do this. Any time things are going well for me, you have an episode, and you ruin everything just to steal the spotlight. I mean, honestly, Lizzie, if I believed every paranoid delusion that came out of your mouth, I'd be just as crazy as you."

Lizzie jumps in front of her sister as the words sink in. "Jo..."

"Look, I'm sorry," Josie says. "I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I have spent my entire life trying to make you feel ok about yourself. Watched Dad kill himself trying to do it, too. And why do you think he drinks all the time? He hates his job. The only reason he works here is to keep an eye on you. Mom makes every excuse that she can to be out of town, because seeing him like this makes her sad, because he's completely given up. So, I am done making excuses for you. I am done worrying about when you are going to snap. And I am done letting you control my happiness."

Lizzie wonders if she should have been more specific in her wish: I wish that there was never a Salvatore School to begin with, but Stella has to be here to control Josie.

"I love Connor," Josie continues, but her words are empty. "And tonight, I'm going to show him just how much. Now give me the watch."

Heartbroken, Lizzie opens her palm to reveal the magical watch. With a sad expression, she says, "I'm sorry." She closes her fingers over the object. Both sisters see Lizzie's hand glowing as she siphons the magic. "It's for your own good."

Josie slowly meets Lizzie's gaze. "I hate you," she sneers before she struts down the hallway, alone.

"Josie, no," Lizzie whimpers, watching as she disappears into the crowd of students. "Wait. Please just—wait. STOP!"

When she screams, every light in the hallway bursts. Every student covers their ears, falling to the ground to avoid sparks. Josie is the only one left standing.

As realization dawns on both twins, the students gather their bearings. They begin to whisper, to take photos, to laugh and mock.

Alaric comes barreling into the hallway, taking both girls by the arm. "We got to go," he mutters. "We got to go now. Now!" As they pass by students, Alaric sends them tense smiles. "Nothing to see."

The roar of an engine stops the Saltzmans at the door. A very sleek, expensive car stands in their way. The doors fold up to let out four familiar supernaturals while the driver stays put.

Hope Mikaelson, dressed in a black leather suit, pauses in the doorway to the school alongside Jed, Kaleb, and Pedro. "Looks like you guys could use some help," Hope says.

"Uh, uh," Lizzie shakes her head fiercely. "No, we are all good."

"That M," Alaric mutters to himself. "Mikaelson. Like the boarding school?"

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