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Stella opens her eyes with Hope. Lexi looks them over, but neither stays still long enough. "I'm glad that's over," MG says. "I'm shaking, my hands are sweaty, I—"

"Unbelievable," Stella hisses as Hope waves a hand in front of his face. "He ditched us."

Hope spins on her heel. By the look on her face, Stella moves closer to her mother. Everyone knows not to mess with a Mikaelson when they are angry. "Send us back in."

"I'm not good at this," MG says, holding his hands up in the air.

"You'll be fine," Hope snaps. "If he's going in search of answers, I need to be there when he finds them."

Lexi grabs onto Hope's hand, stopping her from moving behind the Necromancer. "No."

"No?" Hope raises an eyebrow. "He knows about—"

"I don't care," Lexi says as she tugs Hope and Stella away from the Necromancer. MG follows, glancing back at the petrified monster. "Neither one of you is going in again."

Hope's hands turn into fists.

"I'll be going in," Lexi says.

"What? No, Mom—"

"No, Stella." Lexi sends her daughter a look, flashing her red eyes. Stella does not bow down. "It's too dangerous. If something happens, I will be able to take myself out. You two do not understand what's at stake here."

Neither girl likes the idea. In sync, they cross their arms and narrow their eyes at the Original Alpha. A soft smile blooms on her face as she looks between them. "You remind me of us before we turned," she breathes.

That makes the girls pause.

"You have light in your eyes," Lexi says. "despite what has happened. Let me do this—spare you whatever he has in store."

Stella looks over at Hope. She does not want to let her mom do this alone. But it is either alone or not at all.

Stella barely lets her head dip in a nod.

Lexi moves swiftly, taking up her place behind the Necromancer. She digs her clawed fingertips into his shoulder with a small smirk. Beside her hand is a burn mark from where Stella's was. She looks over at MG and nods. "I'm ready."

"Cool, that makes one of us," MG replies as he takes the Necromancer's hands again. Lexi closes her eyes, falling into the monster's consciousness.

"I don't like this," Stella mutters as her hands begin to warm. She rubs her hands together as the air turns humid.

"Neither do I," Hope responds as she sits against the wall. Stella sits beside her, careful of going too close and burning her. "but Lexi's the best there is. Everything will be ok. Let's just hope she trusts us with whatever she finds."

The Necromancer grins, but no one notices.

However, when MG slowly straightens, the girls go still. "Mrs. Hale?" He calls hesitantly as he runs his eyes over the blonde woman before him.

Stella jumps to her feet and focuses on her mother. Hope stands behind her with wide eyes.

Lexi's grip on the Necromancer's shoulders is tight; her shoulders are tense and stiff. Her nose flares ever so slightly and her eyes move beneath their lids.

"Mom?" Stella calls out. She wants to reach out, but she knows it could do more harm than good. "Mom?!"

Lexi's breathing becomes more erratic. Her body begins to shake with every breath. Stella watches as Lexi's expression contorts: her eyebrows furrowed, her lip quivering, her nose scrunched. "Mom!"

Burnin' Up | J. Saltzman - Legacies [1]Where stories live. Discover now