T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Stella sits in the library before the roaring fire. The ashes that sting her eyes are welcome to the numbness spreading through her body. She knows what she wanted to do to Penelope Park: she was going to kill the witch.

Sure, Stella had thought of Penelope's head on a pike, but she would never go through with it. But today, she couldn't control that part of herself: the anger and the bloodlust. She knows that if she can't control it; she needs her parents, but they are the last people she wants to see.

"Well, well, well." Stella turns as Kaleb descends the stairs with a smirk on his face. "If it isn't little miss badass."

Stella lets out a chuckle as he brings up a chair and sits beside her. "Miss badass is having a bad day."

Kaleb shakes his head. "Impossible. What happened that you couldn't handle?"

The witch glances down at her hands as the smile in her eyes dies. "Mikaelson bloodlust I thought I was immune to—turns out, I'm not.

"No one's immune," Kaleb scoffs. "Bloodlust is a thing for all supernatural creatures. We just gotta deal with it."

"I come from the most powerful and dangerous family in history," Stella reminds him with a raised eyebrow. "My bloodlust can decimate towns. For some reason, I just don't feel like leashing it today."

"Then embrace it," Kaleb says, leaning forward. Stella glances up at his eyes with apprehension. In response, he takes her hand gently. "We all have a need for blood, Stella. The longer you ignore it, the worse it'll be. Embrace it."

"Even if it means killing someone?" Stella asks quietly.

Kaleb's lips turn up into a grin. "Who?"

"Penelope Park."

His grin seems to grow. "Then let's get her."

Stella smirks, her eyes sparking silver. "I want to show everyone the bitch she is."

Kaleb's eyes flicker downwards. "I love it when you talk murder." He leans forward, pressing his lips against her's.

Stella jerks away, her magic throwing Kaleb across the room. He smashes throw a table, and debris flies in every direction. "What the hell was that?" She exclaims. "Dude, I'm gay!"

Kaleb groans as he gets to his feet. "For real?" He asks. "I thought you just didn't want guys after you."

Stella shakes her head with wide eyes. "No! I'm gay. Like, totally and completely gay."

The vampire runs his hand down his face. "Great. The one cool girl in this school and she's into girls."

Stella rolls her eyes. "How did you not know?" She crosses her arms over her chest as she stands to meet him. "It's pretty damn obvious that I'm completely in love with—"

Stella freezes on the spot. Her hands squeeze into fists. She lets out a strangled breath as she shuts her eyes tightly. When she opens them again, horror covers her expression.

Her shoulders curve inward as she steps away from Kaleb. "Never mind," she mutters.

Kaleb's eyes spark with realization. "Josie," he mutters. "You're in love with Josie."

"No, I'm not!" Stella shouts. She jumps on him, placing her hand over his mouth. "Shut up!"

He continues to tease her, saying, "You are totally, head over heels, in love with one half of the Saltzman twins!" His words come out jumbled by her hand over his mouth.

"Shut up, you bloodsucker!" Stella snaps. When he pauses under her, she gasps. "I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry, it's just—I have no filter today." She slides off of Kaleb's back to see him grinning. She frowns, "Why are you so happy?"

"This is the real you, Stella!" he says. "You're playful. You're murderous. Sometimes, you're rude. But at least you're not fake like the rest of this school."

Stella chuckles as an idea pops into her head. Without thinking, she blurts out. "We should cause some chaos." Kaleb's eyes sparkle in curiosity. "Let's take the urn and send them all on a wild goose chase."

Kaleb grins wickedly, his vampire fangs on full display. "I'm in, on one condition," he says. "If we're gonna do this, I need all my strength."

Stella pulls her hair to the side, exposing her neck. "Just don't kill me," she says. "My mother would bring me back to kill me again if I died from a vamp-bite."

With a growing smirk, Kaleb takes hold of Stella's arms before sinking his fangs into her neck. She gasps as he begins to drink; she feels the blood leave her body, his grip tightening around her shoulders.

Her hands reach up to grab his shirt, steadying herself. The breath leaves her body too fast as she leans into him. Subconsciously, her hand reaches around his head, grabbing onto his hair to pull him closer.

Retreating footsteps echo in Stella's ears. "Kaleb," she breathes, tugging on his hair. At first, he does not stop. "Kaleb."

He pulls back with an annoyed look on his face. "I'm not killing you, I promise."

"Someone's coming," she says.

As Kaleb frowns, MG bursts into the library with an urgent look on his face. Stella brushes her hair in front of her neck before she turns to face him. "Kaleb, the show's starting soon. Josie was gonna come get you, but I don't know where she went," MG says. "Hey, Stella."

The Hale witch sends him a tense wave as Kaleb sighs. "I'm coming, man, just give me a sec."

MG's eyes glance between Kaleb's bloody lips and Stella's squirrelly posture. He blinks before he gasps, "Tell me you didn't."

Stella and Kaleb exchange a guilty look. MG tentatively reaches up to Stella's hair, brushing it out of the way to see blood still oozing from her wound. The veins under his eyes appear as his fangs pop out. He stumbles away from them, shaking his vampiric features away.

"I gotta tell someone," he says, speeding out of the library. 

"MG, wait!" Stella shouts, but he is already gone. "Shit."

"Don't worry, I got this," Kaleb says. "Get the urn and we'll meet after the show." He takes a step forward, but he pauses and looks back at her.

"What are you waiting for?" Stella asks. "Stop him!"

Kaleb sighs, "You gonna watch the talent show?"


A grin spreads to his lips. "Alright-y then. I'll see you there."

I don't really know what to say here... Comment opinions. 

Also, I am going to start posting on Wednesdays as well so I can get content out faster. So, to clarify, updates will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 

Hope you enjoyed!


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