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Stella moves around the main room, her magic swirling in the air. Light streams in through the windows of the Salvatore School, warming the Hale witch's skin. A small smile is plastered over her lips as Stella grips the clipboard closer to her chest.

Today has to be perfect. It's Josie's birthday.

"Can we move this over?" Stella asks a witch, pointing to a spare table. "And add another one? That way we'll have more available space, you know?"

The witch nods before following the suggestion. Stella helps her out, dragging the table away. She looks up as MG storms into the hall. 

"Hey, MG," Stella greets with a smile.

The vampire gives her a half-assed wave as he approaches a brunette in the back of the room. Stella had seen the witch around before, but she had never spoken to her.

"You're lucky I respect women and that I shun all forms of toxic masculinity, or else, you and I would be throwing down right now," MG seethes as the witch meets his gaze. "Even if you can kick my ass."

Stella approaches slowly, careful to keep the attention off of her. The brunette does not notice as she says, "Dude, I am here to help."

"By telling Lizzie and Josie that their mom isn't coming?"

Stella's heart drops. Josie had been so excited that Caroline was coming back just for the twins' birthday. She was up all night, her excitement keeping her from sleep.

Who was the bitch who ruined Josie's special day?

"Oh, that was just for Lizzie," the girl says. "who is taking Rafael as her date instead of you. So why are you doing this to try and make her party perfect?"

Stella's chest relaxes. For an instant, one tiny instant, Stella feels a weight lifted from her shoulders. Rafael is taken, which means Josie won't have to worry. But then, she remembers how happy Josie was—how her eyes lit up, how her smile broadened—when she kissed that werewolf boy.

Stella's smile drops completely.

"A man's gotta shoot his shot," MG replies with a casual shrug.

"Oh my god, no." The girl moves away and towards the newly set up tables. "I can't take it anymore. As your friend, I demand that you retrieve your little MGs from Lizzie's grip."

"Not when I can taste victory," MG smirks as the witch rolls her eyes.

"Fine, I'll make you a deal. I will keep Werewolf Prince Charming away from the party long enough for you to shoot your one, final, inevitably failed shot. And when it's over, and the Queen of Mean has broken your heart all over again, promise me that you will let Lizzie go."

MG stares at the girl before letting his head bob. The girl sighs as a content smile appears on her ruby-red lips. "Good."

Stella crosses her arms as rage boils under her skin. She can feel the heat in her bones crawl up her body. She knows who this witch is; she's heard about her.

"You must be Penelope," Stella says.

MG turns as the girl looks her way. For a moment, the witch's eyes widen. Then, she controls herself. "And you're Stella. The wolf-witch."

"Is that what people are calling me these days?" Stella hums and tilts her head to the side. "I was expecting worse."

"How about the fire breathing bitch?" Penelope mirrors Stella's posture.

Burnin' Up | J. Saltzman - Legacies [1]Where stories live. Discover now