T H I R T Y - N I N E

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A fire ignites from within. A spark of understanding, of realization. A flame fed by urgency and need and fear. Mostly the fear.

This fire moves Stella as she throws the doors of Alaric's study open. Her mother's words echo in her head.

"Darling, you don't want to know what the Merge is."

Stella runs her eyes over the bookshelves before she gets behind the desk and drags her fingers down the drawers. Every ridge scratches her fingertips. She wouldn't be surprised if they begin to bleed.

"It's a Gemini coven curse involving twins."

The bottom right drawer refuses to open when she tugs on the handle. She blasts the lock off without a second thought and pulls out the contents: one of Penelope's pens and a withered notebook.

"When Gemini twins reach a certain age, they partake in the Merge to find out which one will lead the coven."

Stella flips through the pages of the book before a bit of red ink catches her eye; before she can catch the page, more fall on it. "No, no, no," she mutters as she tries to find the page once more. "This can't be happening."

"I've only seen it once. The twins join hands and it becomes a battle between their magic. The stronger twin wins and leads the coven. The weaker one..."

Stella hovers over the words confirming the fears growing inside her. She does not notice as tears prickle her eyes or as one falls onto the page. She stares at her worst nightmare.

"The weaker one dies. Or, more accurately, their power is absorbed by the stronger one."

The door to the office creaks open. Alaric pauses in the threshold.

Stella slowly meets his gaze. "I called my mom," she says, her voice barely rising above a whisper. "She answered."

Alaric swallows thickly. "And?"

"She told me about the Merge."

He closes his eyes.

"Josie's pretty much figured it out, and, uh, Lizzie's spiraling." She moves out from behind the desk. "So either you tell them or I will because they deserve the truth."

He sighs, hanging his head between his shoulders. He steps past her to grab his notebook. Pausing with his fingers barely grasping the book, he glances at her. "Did your mom tell you anything else?"

"Is there anything else to tell me?" She asks, her eyes wider than before.

"That's for your mother to decide," he replies. He takes the notebook firmly in his hands. "Maybe she should come and visit again."

Stella watches as he walks out of the room.

It isn't long before her skin begins to itch and the need for cool air overwhelms her. She walks out of the office, finding herself going towards the docks. Voices of worry and fear echo in her mind as the breeze cools her skin.

"Every time I lose someone, this, uh, voice in my head tells me, 'it's your fault.' That I technically shouldn't exist. That I'm a cosmic mistake."

Stella pauses behind the giant oak tree when she recognizes Hope's voice. She rests her hand against the trunk and listens.

"I guess I just wanted someone to think that I'm worth staying for. I'm sorry for lying to you, Landon. I wanted you to stay because I love you."

Stella throws her hand in front of her mouth as Hope suddenly gasps.

Burnin' Up | J. Saltzman - Legacies [1]Where stories live. Discover now