CHAPTER 12 The Discovery

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Shoto's POV

A man walks towards me through the wall of blue flames. With a hand out, he tells me to follow him in order to keep my friends safe. I thought about it for a moment, and dicided to go with him. We get teleported to an old wherehouse. I follow him to a room at the end of a hall. The next thing I know he pulled a picture out of his wallet. It was of me as a kid and my older brother Touya. Who went missing a long time ago. I ask "How did you get this?" He says " I've always kept it with me ever since I left home. I'm sorry I couldn't take you with me Shoto, but now we can be together." We started to talk about what had happened to us over the years. Touya asked me to join him in order to get back at father ,and I agreed. He hands me some new clothes. so I go to the bathroom that was off of his room and get dressed. After I get done and exit the restroom. Touya wants to show me to his teammate. I met him, shook his hand. I started to hear something in his room. Not long after that we left him alone. That sound kept bothering me. What was it? I asked Touya What's going on in there? He said that he's trying to get someone else to join them. I thought to myself that that's not what it sounded like. Touya looked depressed so I asked What's wrong, and he started to tell me about a guy that he likes by there's nothing he can do for him at this time. I asked if I could see a picture of him and he said that he could do me one better by taking me to him. As we walked down the hall I noticed that every room had a door right across the hall. Except at the end of the hall on Deku's side. Touya pushes the wall and a secret room is revealed. I look at a bed with a boy laying in it. The boy looks almost like Deku but with green hair instead of black. There's an I.V. attached to him. I look at the bag to see that it's full of sleeping meds. Touya told me everything about the two. About how they split, about how the one with black hair read his mind and threatened to kill me if he didn't help him kill the original. When killing him wouldn't work they had him imprisoned until one night he tried to escape and the other had a dream about it. He woke up to find out that it wasn't a dream. He also told me about the evil one making him go get one of his school uniforms, and clean up the blood at the bar with it. How he would had to burn the uniform, and leave it somewhere the police could find it,and that it would be on camera. That way if Bakugo heard about who did it, or saw the footage he would try to find Deku. So now he's in a coma because the evil one wants him to have a nightmare that never ends. I heard screaming so I walked over to the wall where I heard it coming from. I saw a crack in the wall and looked. Touya was holding the originals hand. I saw the evil one gag Bakugo and start to rape him. I looked away, and fell to my knees. Touya said I think he's waking up. I grabbed the I.V. line and ripped it out. I started to shake the original and he came to. The first thing he said was "I have to save Kacchan." He started to get up but he had no strength to run. Touya told me to close my eyes , but before I could Touya had stabbed him in the heart. A few seconds went by and he ran up, went through the wall, and saved Bakugo. In just three seconds Deku had already freed Bakugo from the chains ,and threw the evil one through the roof. The original gave me Bakugo and took off after the other Deku. Touya picked the locks of the cuffs to get them off, and took off the gag. Bakugo coughed and looked up at me. " What happened? Why are you here Icyhot?" I said I'll explain everything later but right now we got to get you some help. I asked him if he could stand and he said "Yeah I can stand." He stood up but was leaning on me for balance. so I put his arm over my shoulder and Touya took his other arm over his. We walked out of the building to see the two fighting in mid air over the wherehouse.

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