CHAPTER 17 Truth

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Katchan's POV

All Might why did you stay with us.

It's because you two need to know about All for one and One for all.

Will it help Deku?


Deku said if it'll help then please tell us.

one for all is the quirk that I  have. All Might explained the story of the two brothers who had them first and how they are now. Deku's eyes widened with fear.

So this evil is the quirks first user?

possibly Young Midoriya.

How can I stop it from consuming me?

I can only think of  two methods. One you've already tried. the second choice is for you to take my quirk. That way the quirks would be fighting past users and not you. That's just a theory not solid evidence.

I can't take away the symbol of piece from the world. So I'm going to have to fight for the rest of my life.

I'm afraid that you have no choice in the matter young Midoriya.

All Might pulled a hair from his head. He forst Deku's mouth open and put the hair in his mouth. Then he  closed his mouth and covered Deku's mouth and nose.

When you swallow the hair then you can breathe.

Deku tried to pull All Might's hand away but couldn't because his arms were still recovering. I sat there waiting for Deku to swallow. I know that Deku would need this to live.


Deku swallowed and lightning started flying around him. Deku started to scream in pain.

What happened All Might? I thought that this was supposed to help. Deku come on you can fight him.

Deku stopped moving and screaming. Then the lightning turned black. Deku's hair turned black and when he opened his eyes. They were red.

All Might grabbed me and threw me out the window. I fell in some bushes below. As I looked up an explosion happened in the room that they were in. I hid in the bushes and saw Deku flying with All Might unconscious in one of his hands. Deku threw All Might right in front of me and left. I couldn't move. I was truly afraid for my life.

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