CHAPTER 26: Where It All Began

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Bakugou's POV:

"Bakugou where is he talking about?"

"The old middle school."

I ran and got my hero gear. Then we went to the middle school and sure enough. All Might was passed out and tied to Deku's old desk chair.  As we untied All Might.  we heard something coming from the roof.

"I'm going to check it out. Don't worry if I'm found out about.  I'll set off an explosion to let you know."

"We're dealing with an overpowered Midoriya so just wait and I'll go with you."

By the time Dabi finished saying that.  I was already running down the hall. When I got to the door that led to the rooftop.  I noticed that it was cracked.  Peeking through the crack. I saw Deku at the ledge with a reseaver for a detonator in his hand. I walked out on the roof top in order to sneak up on him.

"So what gave me away Kacchan? Was it the black hair that wouldn't change no matter how much dye I used?"

I stopped approaching him and  within a blink of an eye. He was behind me. Deku then tackled me to the ground and pinned one of my arms behind my back.

"What did that doctor do to you Deku? I thought All For One wasn't in you anymore!"

Deku twisted my arm and I could feel the bones starting to fracture. This caused me to scream out in pain.

"Ah! Such a sweet sound to my ears. Your screams are like pure exticie. Now let me hear some more."

Before he could finish breaking my arm. I kicked him off me and he let go of the detonator remote. I grabbed it before he could get up and blew it up with my quirk. Deku charged at me with hatred in his eyes. With every punch he threw at me. I could tell that the real one was still inside of him somewhere.  So the first chance I got. I kissed Deku with all the passion I could offer.  He stopped for a moment and relaxed. Then right as Dabi opened the door.  Deku pushed me away and stepped closer to the ledge of the roof. He showed us that he had one of my grenades in his hand. I took a step closer to him but Deku yelled out.

" Don't come any closer or I'll use this to detonate the explosives that are scattered throughout this building! This will also destroy the surrounding buildings!"

"Deku you won't win so just give up. The heroes always win."


"Midoriya please just set the grenade down. We don't want to have to hurt you."

"Why is that!? Because you both think that you love me?! You two don't even really know me!!! Touya you only love me to feel better about yourself. You used me to become a hero so you could look like you belong in the Todoroki family! As for you Kacchan.  You bullied me to the point of committing suicide. That's not love. That's  just being an asshole!!"

"Deku if you still have the mind reading quirk then use it on me right now and look back at the memories of us growing up together. you'll understand everything that I feel for you."

Deku glares at me as Dabi is in shock because of what Deku said to him. After a few minutes. Deku's glare turns into sadness and he starts crying. I start to walk closer to Deku but before I could reach him. He realized what I was doing. So he pulled the pin on the grenade and Threw it at the power box. I looked back and reached to grab it, but my fingers just missed it. However Dabi caught it and threw it high in to the sky. After the grenade went off. I looked over at Deku who was smiling and tears falling down his cheeks.

"I love you too Kacchan."

His back was towards the ledge as he was facing me. Then he took a step backwards. This caused his feet to slip out from under him.


I reached out for his hand , but he didn't reach for mine. Before Deku his the street below. Dabi pulls me back so I wouldn't see the impact. From what a saw. He fell head first with a powerful smile on his face. I was yelling at Dabi to let me go, but when I heard the sound of shattering bones. My chest tightened and I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I put my face on Dabi's chest as I cried and clinched his shirt in my hands.

"Looks like I lost to you Katsuki Bakugo. Midoriya loved you more then me."

"If he really loved me then why did he leave me forever?"

After a few minutes of thinking. I remembered what All Might use to say.

"Anyone can become a hero.  Even a villain can become redeemed. If he gives his life to save someone else."


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