chapter 13

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It's been 3 days now since Harry and Layla went on the date.

And obviously Harry hasn't talked to her yet because she's been annoyed the whole day now. I can imagine what happened. They went on the date it was perfect and she thought he would call her and ask her again but he hasn't yet and I don't think he ever will.

"Do you even listen to me?" Layla asks with an angry voice.

"Yeah of course." I say and look at her with a shy smile.

"What am I talking about then?"

"Harry?" I guess.

"Yeah.. why hasn't he called me yet?" The date went well and it seemed to me like he actually liked it but it's been days now and.."

"It's been 3 days Layla.. I'm sure he will soon.. give him time."I interrupt her and she looks up at me.

"Do you really think so or just say it?"she asks and leans against the wall behind her.

I don't think he will ever call her again but she's my best friend and I don't want her to be sad. But it actually makes me happy he hasn't called or asked her out again. That means he doesn't like her and just did it to make me angry. I knew it.

"No really. I think he will." I put my bag down and search for the book for the next lesson.

"I hope so." She lets out a breath and tries to smile.

"Oh no. Look who's coming." Layla says. I turn my head around just to see Luke coming over here with a big smile on his face.

"Why did you say that? He's nice and kind of cute and you promised me to be nice to him." I say and look straight into her eyes.

"Ok I will but he has to accept that a relationship between us is never going to work out.

"Yeah but that's not a reason to be mean."

"Hey guys."he says and goes trough his hair shyly and gives us a smile. That reminds me of Harry and I have to smile.

"Hey." We both say.

"So what have you been up to?"he asks and looks at Layla.


"And you Layla?" She looks very bored.

"I had a date few days ago with Harry."

"Layla please."

"What?"she says and smirks.

I look at Luke and see his disappointed and sad face.

"Oh really? Sounds cool. Anyways I have to go."he says and walks away.

"Layla why did you do that?"I ask her.

"I did nothing. I just told him the truth and as I said he has to accept it."

She was right. She's never going to like him the way he does.

"Let's just drop it okay?"she looks annoyed.

"Yeah okay."

After school I decide to visit James.

I hope Harry won't be there. I don't want to see him.

Layla drives me to him and after she drops me off she drives away. I walk to the door and ring the bell.

It opens and it's Harrys mother.

"Hello Maya. Are you here to see James."she asks me and smiles.

"Yeah. Is he here?"

"Yeah he's in his room. Come in."

I get in and walk upstairs to James room. As I'm standing in front of the door I hear voices. Is that a girl? Without knocking I get in and see James and a girl sitting on the bed and talking.

"Maya?" James looks at me. He seems to be surprised.

I walk to the bed and look at James.

"Who is this?" I ask him and look at the girl. She was beautiful. Long brown hair and brown eyes. She gives me a smile.

"This is Jessy." We've known each other for years now and it's been so long since I saw her the last time.


"Yeah and you are?"she asks.

"I'm his girlfriend." I say.

"You have a girlfriend?"she turns to James and looks very surprised.

"Yeah I wanted to tell you but now you know it. I have a girlfriend."he says and gets up.

"Oh ok. Then I should go and leave you alone with her."

"No you don't have to."

"No please. I'll see you later. Nice to meet you."she says and walks out of the room.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?"

"She's just a friend. She used to like me but I don't like her in that way and never will. I love you." he hugs me.

"Yeah I know and I love you too but I don't like her. Knowing she used to like you I can't like her."I say.

"She's my friend and you have to accept it. Okay?"

"Okay." I kiss him.

"Thank you."

We sit down on to the bed.

"Harry told me something."

"Really. What?" I ask curiously.

"He is going to ask Layla for a second date."

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