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Outside the streets were jammed and although it should've been a typical Sunday Morning something was different. Maybe the sun that was finally shining bright, people laughing and talking loudly. Even the traffic was different... Spring was just around the corner. The best time of the year to be staying in a city like this, people were opening wide their windows, allowing the fresh air to invalid their small apartments and the streets were filled with music, conversations, the sound of spoons crushing on the tables, each sound coming straight inside from those apartments.

It must be something like a norm when the weather gets better everyone should go outside. Suddenly their problems disappeared and all they had in mind was to have fun before Mondays hits.

On the other hand, for Jessica and Susan, when the weather was getting better it only meant one thing. Cloud watching from Susan's balcony while her dogs would sunbath on their laps and they would talk... and talk for hours until there were no clouds to stare at but the moon and the stars.

As the noises were getting louder out on the streets, silence was filling up Susan's apartment. The dogs were peacefully sleeping on the couch until Susan's chuckle disturbed their relaxation, causing Penny's ears to rise up and look at the closed door in front of her.

"Jess..." Susan said, chuckling as her lover started placing kisses on her nake. Jessica's hands were on their way down Susan's body, reaching for her thighs until Susan's phone started buzzing.

The younger woman stopped and looked at her lover, "Who is it?"

"Jack..." Susan answered when she took her phone from the nightstand, letting out a sigh. "Good morning, baby," she said on the phone.

"I'm fine why?" Susan continued, she smiled at her lover who continued gracing Susan's cleavage with her kisses. Making it hard for Susan to keep a straight voice. "Oh, I just had a couple of drinks is all... I'm alright... No, you stay where you are" she ordered when Jack suggested that he could come over, "Jessica is here" she added, making Jessica smirk. She stopped and looked at Susan.

"Of course... Okay... Jack, I've got to go now, I'll call you. Bye, bye" she finally said on the phone and hanged up, placing it back to where it was.

"Why did you stop?" Susan asked, smirking.

"You want me to continue?" Jessica said in a husky tone. Her voice only could send shivers down Susan's body. She nodded giving Jessica the permission she needed to continue her actions.

"I knew you wanted..." Jessica said again and made her way slowly down on Susan's body until she reached her destination and all of a sudden, once again, Susan's phone started ringing.

"For fuck's sake!" Susan shouted and answered the phone.

This time Jessica was the one who sighed she placed her head on Susan's stomach.

"What is it, Jack?!" Susan yelled at her son. Trying to calm herself, "I said no... " she replied and with that Jessica stood up from the bed. Susan stared at her lover, walking by the window and reaching eventually for her cigarettes. She was mesmerizing, the way she lighted up her cigarette and took the first drag, allowing the smoke to fill up her lungs. Jessica opened the window a little and smiled back at Susan.

Finally, Susan gave an end to Jack's delirium, cutting him short, "Baby... I'll call you later, okay?"

"Fine, yeah..." Jack replied and Susan immediately threw her phone to the side.

"Now, why did you leave?" Susan whined making Jessica chuckle

"We'll continue later..." Jessica winked

Second Book: Sarange Rising.Where stories live. Discover now